Dr spock baby and child care book

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dr spock baby and child care book

Dr Spock's Baby and Child Care at 65 - BBC News

Spock came to shape the baby-boom generation like no other bestseller, mainly because his book was a bestseller like no other. It has sold more than 50 million copies in print, in 49 languages. In his pages, the worried parent could find help for virtually every problem. For instance, in the most reassuring tones, as smooth as silk, he told postwar mothers that they knew more than they realised and should simply trust their maternal instincts. Where previous American parenting guides were stern and repressive, Spock was humane, benign and borderline permissive, based on — this was really radical — his devout reading of Freud.
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Published 12.12.2018

IFP:135-F-142-5M Jacqueline Kennedy speaks to Dr. Spock

Baby and Child Care

For sixty-five years, parents have relied on the expert advice of renowned pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock. But while children never change, issues and concerns do. Robert Needlman, himself a top-notch pediatrician, has newly updated and expanded this timeless classic to speak to any pa. Robert Needlman, himself a top-notch pediatrician, has newly updated and expanded this timeless classic to speak to any parent who is raising children in our rapidly changing world.

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These are external links and will open in a new window. Sixty-five years since its first publication, what is Dr Spock's contribution to child-rearing today? The book's title wasn't the most exciting. But in the austere post-war years its message was revolutionary. And that book did this. Baby and Child Care challenged the child-rearing orthodoxy of the early 20th Century - that babies should be fed according to a tight schedule, and that showing them too much affection made them weak and unprepared for the world.

4 thoughts on “Baby and Child Care by Benjamin Spock

  1. Buy Dr Spock's Baby & Child Care EARLY EX by Dr Benjamin Spock, Dr Robert Needlman (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low.

  2. Buy Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care 9th Revised, Updated ed. by Benjamin Spock (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices.

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