Etymological dictionary of latin and the other italic languages pdf

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etymological dictionary of latin and the other italic languages pdf

Etymological dictionary - Wikipedia

An etymological dictionary discusses the etymology of the words listed. Often, large dictionaries, such as the Oxford English Dictionary and Webster's , will contain some etymological information, without aspiring to focus on etymology. Etymological dictionaries are the product of research in historical linguistics. For a large number of words in any language, the etymology will be uncertain, disputed, or simply unknown. In such cases, depending on the space available, an etymological dictionary will present various suggestions and perhaps make a judgement on their likelihood, and provide references to a full discussion in specialist literature. Etymological dictionaries in the modern sense, however, appear only in the late 18th century with 17th-century predecessors such as Vossius ' Etymologicum linguae Latinae or Stephen Skinner 's Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae , with the understanding of sound laws and language change and their production was an important task of the "golden age of philology " in the 19th century. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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Published 21.12.2018

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Esperanto etymology

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This book is not a complete etymological dictionary of Latin. Its main aim is to describe which roots and stems of the vocabulary of Latin and the other Italic.
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Login via Institution. Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages. Author: Michiel de Vaan. Latin is one of the major ancient Indo-European languages and one of the cornerstones of Indo-European studies. Since the last comprehensive etymological dictionary of Latin appeared in , enormous progress has been made in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo-European, and many etymologies have been revised. This new etymological dictionary covers the entire Latin lexicon of Indo-European origin. It consists of nearly entries, which altogether discuss about Latin lemmata.

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Esperanto etymology , including vocabulary and grammatical forms, derives primarily from the Romance languages , with lesser contributions from Germanic. The language occupies a middle ground between "naturalistic" constructed languages such as Interlingua , which borrow words en masse from their source languages with little internal derivation, and a priori conlangs such as Solresol , in which the words have no historical connection to other languages. In Esperanto, root words are borrowed and retain much of the form of their source language, whether the phonetic form eks- from international ex-, vualo from French voile or orthographic form teamo and boato from English team and boat, soifo from French soif. However, each root can then form dozens of derivations which may bear little resemblance to equivalent words in the source languages, such as registaro government , which is derived from the Latinate root reg to rule but has a morphology closer to German or Russian. Zamenhof took most of his Esperanto root words from languages of the Italic and Germanic families, principally Italian, French, German, Yiddish, and English. A large number are what might be called common European international vocabulary, or generic Romance : Roots common to several languages, such as vir- "man", found in English words such as virile, and okul- "eye", found in oculist. Some appear to be compromises between the primary languages, such as tondri to thunder , per French tonner, Italian tuonare, German donnern, and English thunder.

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