What type of book is of mice and men

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what type of book is of mice and men

Of Mice and Men - The Greatest Literature of All Time

Or we could get more official: tragedy usually features some main character who experiences a reversal of fortune from good to bad. This reversal is always brought about by an innate flaw of the character, or by a mistake that he or she makes. In this case, George's flaw is his trust in Lennie —a mistake that even he realizes by the end of the book. In the final section, George stands over Curley's wife's body and says, "I should of knew…I guess way back in my head I did" 5. But that's where the "typical" part ends. Tragedies traditionally center on main characters who are big-shot-important-leader types, with steep falls from grace.
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Published 16.12.2018

Of Mice and Men Revision: Characters

A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. The thing is, they're talkin', or they're settin' still not talkin'.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck - review

Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck. Steinbeck based the novella on his own experiences working alongside migrant farm workers as a teenager in the s before the arrival of the Okies that he would describe in The Grapes of Wrath. While it is a book taught in many schools, [3] Of Mice and Men has been a frequent target of censors for vulgarity, and what some consider offensive, ableist and racist language; consequently, it appears on the American Library Association 's list of the Most Challenged Books of 21st Century. Two migrant field workers in California on their plantation during the Great Depression—George Milton, an intelligent but uneducated man, and Lennie Small, a bulky, strong man but mentally disabled —are in Soledad on their way to another part of California. They hope to one day attain the dream of settling down on their own piece of land.

John Steinbeck 's Of Mice and Men is a parable about what it means to be human. Steinbeck's story of George and Lennie 's ambition of owning their own ranch, and the obstacles that stand in the way of that ambition, reveal the nature of dreams, dignity, loneliness, and sacrifice. Ultimately, Lennie, the mentally handicapped giant who makes George's dream of owning his own ranch worthwhile, ironically becomes the greatest obstacle to achieving that dream. Written by: John Steinbeck. Genres: parable; Great Depression. Major Thematic Topics : nature of dreams; barriers; powerlessness; fate; Christian influences; classical influences; natural influences; loss of paradise; my brother's keeper; ephemeral nature of life. Major Symbols : characters; locations; animal imagery; George's card game; hands.

This site uses cookies and other tracking technologies to administer and improve your experience on our site, to help diagnose and troubleshoot potential server malfunctions, and to gather use and demographic information. See our cookie policy. Skip to Content. Get age-based picks. Steinbeck not only depicts the hard-scrabble existences of itinerant ranch hands, but also spotlights the flora and fauna once abundant in the area. S tresses the importance of social connection during times of trouble. Whatever their faults, George and Lennie are loyal to each other, and their kind of friendship is something most other characters in the novel lack.

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3 thoughts on “Of Mice and Men Genre

  1. the literary genre of the novella and how John Steinbeck's title 'Of Mice and Men' as The 'realistic fiction' part of this term simply means that everything in the.

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