The dark tower book common sense media

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the dark tower book common sense media

The Dark Tower Movie: Video Review | Common Sense Media

Christy tells you what you need to know about it if you plan on taking the family to see it, plus offers her assessment on a couple of newly released DVDs. Read on for details. The long-awaited big-screen version of the revered Stephen King series will be too much for young viewers, yet not enough for everyone else. While the visual effects often look muddled, the violence within them is unmistakable: vicious beasts that attack out of nowhere; fiery, hellish images of mass suffering; prolonged gun fights that result in many casualties. Both Jake and the Gunslinger must deal with the deaths of people who are important to them.
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Published 27.10.2019

The Dark Tower: Movie Review

Kid reviews for The Dark Tower

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Movie & TV News

The classic Stephen King series has made it to the big screen. Is it safe to take the kids? Is it safe to see it at all? Bad guys, led by Matthew McConaughey, are trying to destroy a giant tower that keeps all of the other bad guys from invading the universe as we know it, which would, you know, be bad. A sole surviving Gunslinger, played by Idris Elba, teams up with a New York kid who can somehow see all of these worlds and all of the stuff going on, and tries to stop the bad guys from winning. But then I started reading some stuff that said that the basic problem was that the movie does a bad job of interpreting the books, and that ultimately was the problem.

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5 thoughts on “The Gunslinger — “Dark Tower” Series Book Review | Plugged In

  1. Mar 29, Parents need to know that The Dark Tower is a sci-fi/fantasy adventure based on a series of epic novels by Stephen King. In THE DARK TOWER, Jake Chambers (Tom Taylor) has vivid dreams about a man in black using kids to try to destroy the world -- and a gunslinger attempting to.

  2. When the writers and director first met with Stephen King about the film, they pitched it as a sequel to the book. Without spoiling anything, the way that it works is.

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