The coming of the book

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the coming of the book

Febvre and Martin on the Coming of the Book - New Learning Online

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Published 25.10.2019

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French historians Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin write about the social impact of the coming of printing and the culture of the book. The process was simple. But it was the object of considerable curiosity and fascination. In fact, these new books were to cause profound changes not only in the habits of thought but also in the working conditions of secular and religious scholars, the great readers of the time. The book is a relative newcomer in western society. It began its career in the midth century, and its future is no longer certain, threatened as it is by new inventions based on different principles.

Books, and the printed word more generally, are aspects of modern life that are all too often taken for granted. Yet the emergence of the book was a process of immense historical importance and heralded the dawning of the epoch of modernity. Henri-Jean Martin is a distinguished.
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Febvre and Martin on the Coming of the Book

Lucien Febvre , Henri-Jean Martin. The emergence of the book was not merely an event of world historical importance, but the dawn of modernity. In this much praised work, Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin mesh together economic and technological history, sociology and anthropology, with the study of consciousness itself to root the development of printing in the changing social relations and ideological struggles of Western Europe. Now that the printed page may become a thing of the past, The Coming of the Book is more pertinent than ever. The Verso World History Series: This series provides attractive new editions of classic works of history, making landmark texts available to a new generation of readers.

Aug 02, ISBN The emergence of the book was not merely an event of world historical importance, but the dawn of modernity. In this much praised work, Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin mesh together economic and technological history, sociology and anthropology, with the study of consciousness itself to root the development of printing in the changing social relations and ideological struggles of Western Europe. Now that the printed page may become a thing of the past, The Coming of the Book is more pertinent than ever. Category: World History Economics Management. Paperback —. Add to Cart.

Fate, courage, doom, defiance! The first stirring adventure in a brilliant series from award-winning author Andrew McGahan. Andrew McGahan is one of Australia's finest writers of fiction. His most recent novel is Wonders of a Godless World. The Coming of the Whirlpool is his first novel for young adults. Watch the trailer Teachers Notes Download teachers notes.

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