Towards understanding islam in urdu pdf download

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towards understanding islam in urdu pdf download

A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam - English - I. A. Ibrahim

This modern and readable translation of the Qur'an also includes an insightful commentary. The commentary is an English… Meer. Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi's monumental and masterly commentary of the Qur'an reveals a profound understanding and invaluable… Meer. Levertijd We doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. Het is echter in een enkel geval mogelijk dat door omstandigheden de bezorging vertraagd is.
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Published 02.10.2019

7 Words You NEED to Know to Understand Islam - Say What?

Towards Understanding Islam By Syed Abul Ala Maududi

That is why I have avoided discussion over the minute details and have endeavoured to portray the entire picture of Islam in one perspective. Moreover, I have not confined myself to stating what we Muslims believe in and stand for, but have also tried to explain the rational bases of our beliefs. Similarly I have not only presented the Islamic modes of worship and the outlines of the Islamic way of life but have also tried to unveil the wisdom behind them. I hope this small treatise will go a long way to satisfy the intellectual cravings of the Muslim youth and will help the non-Muslims in understanding our real position. A change is imperceptibly overtaking the world. The old order is disintegrating; the new one is, however, yet to come. And history tells us that such ages of restlessness have also been periods of birth for new movements and cultures.

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Towards Understanding Islam is a book written by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi which gained its author a reputation as a religious teacher and major thinker. One English translation of this book is by Prof Khurshid Ahmad. Under the subtitle Editor's Introduction in November [3] Prof. Kurshid Ahmad tries to introduce the book: "Originally written in in Urdu , under the title Risala-e-Diniyat, the book was intended as a textbook for students of the higher classes and for the general public. It served an important need and became a popular Islamic reader. Most of the schools and colleges of the South Asia adopted it as a textbook in theology and made its study a part of their curricula.



5 thoughts on “Towards Understanding Islam By Syed Abul Ala Maududi

  1. TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING ISLAM. Book Author: Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi; Book visits: ; Book Downloads: ; Book Reads:

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