How do i find a publisher for my book

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how do i find a publisher for my book

How to Get a Book Published: Your Guide to Success

Getting a book published, even your first book — that sounds like it should be pretty do-able, right? And so it is, but the publishing industry is inevitably pretty complex, and can generate massively different outcomes depending on the choices you are about to make. In the same way, you might want to be a professional musician … but does that mean you do a paid gig in a local bar? Or get signed by a massive record label? In this blog post, we will weigh up the options and show you how you could get your book published. The fact is there are more routes to publication than ever before in history. You just need to pick the route that works for you.
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Published 10.06.2019

Book Publishing Process - How to get your book published

Historically, if you wanted to know how to publish a book , you needed an agent to get a traditional publisher to look at your manuscript. Which makes learning how to publish a book way more difficult. In fact, there is another way for your book to not only be published, but to even become a bestseller!

How to get published – 6 steps to a traditional publishing deal

To build a career as an author you need to know how to get published as well as how to write. Jon Reed shares some pointers to help you navigate the process — and know what to expect. Learn how to get published from agents, publishers, authors and publishing experts. Earlybird tickets on sale now. Now what? To take the next step and get published, your main options are to go down the traditional route of getting an agent and landing a publishing deal; or to self-publish.

After all, there are more publishing options now in than ever! Traditional publishing, for example, requires an agent and actual publisher — which may take a long time to acquire, but can be a big advantage in terms of industry connections. On the other hand, you can self-publish and have your book up on Amazon tomorrow with higher royalties! Every author has to decide for themselves how to publish, taking into account the relative benefits and what they really want from of the experience — fame and fortune, literary repute, or simply being able to say they've done it. But how can authors make this decision without trying both firsthand? Ready to get started?

Step 1: Slave Over the Blank Page.
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How to Get a Book Published (Novel)

Exactly How I Got My First Book Published // Gillian Perkins

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