How to get your book reviewed by a newspaper

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how to get your book reviewed by a newspaper

How to Get Your Book Reviewed

We hear it all the time: "the window for reviews is shrinking. So how can you capture a share of this market? It's true that often reviews from big-name bloggers go to equally big-name authors. Well, can you blame the blogger? If someone had a choice between reviewing Shades of Grey and one of my recent books, I'm sure Shades would win and I totally get that, but it's hard when you're starting out. You often get reviews when you get reviews, so the old adage of "media draws media" is very true. Then where do you start?
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Published 10.06.2019

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The DOs and DO NOTs of getting your book reviewed You can try and get reviewers like myself or newspaper and magazine editors to.

The Secrets to Getting More Book Reviews (Even if Your Book Is Already Out)

Getting your book reviewed is a crucial step in your book marketing strategy. Positive reviews tell readers that your book is worthy of their time, entice your potential audience with plot descriptions, and give you instant credibility. First, you need to ensure that your book is ready for to be reviewed. And finally, you need to learn how to use your reviews to your advantage to sell more books. Sure, you can ask your friends and family to read your book and give you feedback. But the truth is this: friends and family lie. Pay for professional feedback to make sure your book is the best it can be.

Writing a regular column for The Guardian on weird books , I get asked by writers of all kinds to read their latest tome. A tweet from Neil Gaiman can be much better publicity than a national newspaper book review today. And a groundswell of interest from fans talking on blogs can shift more copies than old style book clubs. And as most authors — whether indie or traditionally published — have to do their own publicity these days, I think these apply equally in both cases. There are two overarching issues to consider in relation to publicising a book.

This free script provided by JavaScript Kit. Google: Yahoo: MSN:. Getting Around But how exactly does one go about it? The obvious answer seems to be to simply mail out copies of your book, but chances are good that your potential reviewers are already being inundated with books and review requests. I recently surveyed writers to find out what their review experiences were like, and to find out what advice they could share. Work with your publisher.

Today’s guest post is by Joel Friedlander, one of the most informative people I know on the topic of self-publishing a book. It’s never been a better time to be a self-published author, and there have never been more book reviewers available to the writer who decides to go indie.
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12 thoughts on “The DOs and DO NOTs of getting your book reviewed”

This is a guest post by Douglas Wight , freelance journalist, author, publisher and book serialization specialist. He explains how authors can get book coverage in the national press… and get paid for it!, It really is a lovely thing to be able to call yourself a writer.


1 thoughts on “Getting PR For Your Book: How To Think Like A Journalist

  1. How to get major publications to review your book: 10 invaluable tips you'll wish you had So you're an indie author and wanna get reviewed?.

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