How to find the edition of a book

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how to find the edition of a book

Editions and Printings, How to Tell the Difference: a guide for book collectors

I have been collecting "modern firsts" there's a confusing term already but I'll get to that later for over 15 years now including as a bookseller and as a librarian and have come to think of my self as, not realy an expert, but one with a good eye for telling the difference between editions and printings. With my more recent experiences with online auctions eBay, Amazon. Through textual explaination and many visual examples this document is designed to be a primer for the budding book collector and one looking to take their collecting to the next level usually involving moving you budget for a single book from two-digit dollar amounts, to three- or even four-digit dollar amounts. B efore I go any further and get into the core of this document, editions, printings and the ever elusive "first", I'd like to get some terms and their definitions out of the way. This will help you understand the read of this document. Further bbok-related definitions can be found at the abebooks. I f you can't bend the cover without damaging it, it's a hardcover.
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Published 09.06.2019

Guide to Collecting Rare Books : How to Identify First Editions of Books

The Beginner’s Guide to Identifying First Editions, Part One

In the world of book collecting, a first edition is generally considered to be the first appearance of a work, in its first printing. At first this can become somewhat confusing because when a book becomes very popular and is often re-printed many times over a number of years with different publishers resulting in several "first editions. Below is a set of some other glossary terms that booksellers use to describe different editions. Generally, this copy is as it will appear in the stores and differs from the Uncorrected Proof. First Separate Edition - The first appearance as a complete book or pamphlet of a work that has previously appeared as part of another book. First Thus - Means not a first edition, but something is new.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. It only takes a minute to sign up. I recently purchased this book from a vendor that is not Amazon, but who listed the same image It seems that the "sand dune" cover goes with a first edition and the "stars and frog" cover goes with a later edition containing at least a "New Afterword by the Author".

The numbering of book editions is a special case of the wider field of revision control. The traditional conventions for numbering book editions evolved spontaneously for several centuries before any greater applied science of revision control became important to humanity, which did not occur until the era of widespread computing had arrived when software and electronic publishing came into existence. The old and new aspects of book edition numbering from before and since the advent of computing are discussed below. According to the definition of edition above, a book printed today, by the same publisher , and from the same type as when it was first published, is still the first edition of that book to a bibliographer. However, book collectors generally use the term first edition to mean specifically the first print run of the first edition aka "first edition, first impression".

Editio princeps - essentially, the first printed edition of classical or medieval works ; Publication · Publication right · Remaindered book.
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As we've mentioned elsewhere, first edition means the first printing of a book. Edition and printing can be used fairly interchangeably in talking about collectible books, especially in regard to modern fiction., Like many things in publishing, what denotes a first edition can be complex and dependent on the whims of individual publishing houses. But there are a few very basic rules that can be helpful—and keep in mind these are for the person who has never examined a copyright page and is new to analyzing what editions they have.

While most publishers will lay out the information for you, it may still be tricky to find. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 9 references. Categories: Books. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Updated: September 7,



4 thoughts on “Edition (book) - Wikipedia

  1. Whether you're a book collector searching for a first edition or you're a student looking for the Look for text that states the edition of the book.

  2. In publishing terms, an edition is technically all copies of a book that were printed It is common to see booksellers describe these later first editions as a 'first.

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