How many books does outlander have

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how many books does outlander have | Chronology of the Outlander Series

My goals were I did, and I did—and here we all are, still trying to figure out what the heck you call books that nobody can describe, but that fortunately most people seem to enjoy. The Lord John Grey novels are in fact part of the series, rather than being a spin-off—but these novels are constructed differently and are focused on Lord John as a central character. This Lord John sub-series can be read either independently of the main series, or as part of it. See my Chronology of the Outlander series for more details.
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Published 07.06.2019

'Outlander' Author Diana Gabaldon Reveals Jamie & Claire's Age In 9th Book

How many Outlander books does Diana Gabaldon have planned?

Outlander published in the United Kingdom as Cross Stitch is the first in a series of eight historical multi-genre novels by Diana Gabaldon. Published in , it focuses on the Second World War -era nurse Claire Randall , who travels through time to 18th century Scotland and finds adventure and romance with the dashing Jamie Fraser. With 25 million copies sold, Outlander is one of the best-selling book series of all time. Frank conducts research into his family history and Claire goes plant-gathering near standing stones on the hill of Craigh na Dun. Investigating a buzzing noise near the stones, she touches one and faints; upon waking, she encounters Frank's ancestor, Captain Jack Randall. Before Captain Randall can attack her, he is knocked unconscious by a highlander who takes Claire to his clansmen.

And who could blame you? Slight spoilers ahead:. Hence Claire Randall falling from the 20th century to the 18th through a ring of stones just outside Inverness. Although Claire is a woman of science, she does not rule out the possibility of something existing beyond her scientific reasoning. This also goes for Jamie, her gigantic Scottish paramour. The willingness and guile of the central characters is captivating and feels totally authentic.

Claire and Jamie

DROUGHTLANDER 2019 Outlander: Book vs. TV Series (+ season 4 thoughts)

Fans of the Outlander television show will be pleased to find out that there's plenty more of Claire and Jamie's love story to come. While the show's most recent season was based on Diana Gabaldon's book Drums of Autumn , the fourth in the Outlander series, the author has suggested that her ninth book about Jamie and Claire, titled Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone , will be finished in On Twitter a fan of the series asked Gabaldon , " Are there more books planned?! She later clarified that she doesn't control the publishing schedule, only her writing schedule. When it's published doesn't depend on me, though--pub dates are decided by the publisher, and depend on all kinds of arcane stuff, including availability of press-time, paper, warehouse space and shipping.

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