Positive thinking books for teenagers

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positive thinking books for teenagers

Positive Thinking Book Lists

Norman Vincent Peale at Amazon. Covering topics like sexual abuse, pain, facing obstacles, peer pressure, drugs, and many others, Saul provides teens chapters with bite-sized inspiration in the form of stories, ideas, quotes, and questions to get them thinking critically. Reviewers says this book is chock-full of tidbits to help teenagers navigate a complicated world. It's a great read for parents and teachers who want to better understand their teens, too. Covey uses real-life stories from around the world to show teens how to succeed in school, make good friends, get along with parents, wisely handle dating and sex issues, avoid addictions, build self-esteem, and more. Covey also uses quotes, quizzes, and cartoons to keep teens interested and inspired.
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Published 04.05.2019

The Power of Positive Thinking By Norman Vincent Peale

Best Overall Book for Teens: You Don't Have to Learn Everything the Hard Best for Positivity: The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman.

Authors and teenagers share the books that saved their life

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Not really knowing how to approach the topic, I struggled for weeks until a friend gave me some simple, practical advice that I had overlooked. I took advantage of the fact that someone else had thoughtfully explained a topic in a way that was age-appropriate for my child. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo — A modern masterpiece, this allegorical novel delivers a wonderful message on finding your purpose in life and being more grateful for the things around you. Through the travels of Santiago, a shepherd boy, we learn the wisdom of listening to our hearts. Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde — A sentimental matter with a gritty core and a less-than-happy ending, this novel demonstrates the incredible power of random acts of kindness and the impact of all the little things we do.

We have all been there — those first few years as we leave childhood into adolescence — when everything seems to be a challenge, when the world seems to be against you and when you just hate everyone. The world of Kevin, the teenage character created by comedian Harry Enfield, was too close to the truth for many parents, but peel away the grunts, the what ifs, the anger and the uncertainty — and for most of us there is a youngster, your child — and he or she needs help. Believe it or not there are dozens of self-help books for teens available to assist them through those periods of low self-esteem. They are designed to turn youngsters into better people and prepare them for adulthood. Great news — maybe not — have you tried recently to drag your son or daughter away from the screen and get them to read a book — even an e-book.

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