Literary agents for childrens books

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literary agents for childrens books

Caroline Sheldon Literary Agency

This is where a literary agent can help you by selling your book to a publisher on your behalf and negotiate a decent contract for you. Veronique Baxter is a literary agent at the renowned David Higham Associates , which started in and is known for its personal approach, and practical information, advice and guidance it provides to its clients. Veronique joined this literary agency in London in , following the completion of a Bristol University degree in Law. The year saw her become a Director at David Higham Associates. Veronique is interested in reading the work of new authors and if you would like to make a submission to her, you can do so through email. In your email header, you need to write your name and the title of your book. The body of the email needs to be composed of the covering letter and book pitch, and any appropriate details about you.
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Published 28.04.2019

How To Pitch Your Book to a Literary Agent - Leviosa 2016

2 Literary Agents Actively Seeking Clients — Fiction, Nonfiction, Kidlit, Crime and more

And so on. There are book agents in the United States who represent YA writers. Most publishing agents representing young adult authors accept submissions without referrals. You can find all YA author representatives now using our free literary agencies directory below. You can use the literary agency directory to see which agents handle either young adult fiction and young adult nonfiction. And, our literary agency directory includes bios and contact information for all young adult book agents looking for new writers. Click here to see all Young Adult Literary Agents.

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4 thoughts on “Literary Agents for Children's Books | Children's Book Agents

  1. We have close contacts with all the major publishing houses and because we are very selective in the manuscripts we submit to editors we can ensure our authors get the attention and interest they deserve.

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