Childrens books on nocturnal animals

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childrens books on nocturnal animals

Children’s Fiction About Nocturnal Animals | Making Them Readers

Moving from the city to the suburbs was a huge lifestyle change for our family. We left the constant buzz of the city to live in a house surrounded by a peaceful forest. My daughter noticed right away how quiet the nights were living outside the big city. She also became uneasy about the sounds of the nocturnal animals scurrying around at night. A few months ago, she started sleeping with her lamp on, with fears of the dark and the animal sounds outside.
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Published 31.01.2019

Nocturnal Animals (read aloud, storybook)

Do your kids know about nocturnal animals? Animals who sleep during the day and are active during the night? Learn more about nocturnal animals like bats.

Growing List of Children’s Books About Nocturnal Animals

Do your kids know about nocturnal animals? Animals who sleep during the day and are active during the night? Learn more about nocturnal animals like bats, owls, foxes, and raccoons in these illuminating books about the world of the dark. A beautiful and reassuring depiction of the world at night. Slowly the shadows reveal a variety of animals who are awake. Mostly black and white illustrations with flashes of colored eyes really stand out in the dim light. Dingo by Claire Saxby, illustrated by Tannya Harricks Evocative illustrations with visible painted brush strokes initially captivated my interest.

This is the next post in my series of fiction book recommendations based on topic work in schools. This list is about nocturnal animals. It will be followed by a list of books about night and night time. Where I can find information on the topic for older children I will provide recommendations and links. As always, I will tell you if I have read the book.

Reader Interactions

Peep and the Big Wide World: Things that Go Peep in the Night




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