Remote control book jack heath

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remote control book jack heath

Remote Control by Jack Heath | Scholastic

The Lab is a young adult science fiction action novel by Australian writer Jack Heath. His debut novel and the first in the Six of Hearts series, it was originally released in Australia in and later published in the US. The Lab is an action book, whose protagonist is a year-old superhuman named Agent "Six of Hearts". Six was created to be the ultimate soldier by a group called The Lab which is a ruthless division of the company ChaoSonic. In this futuristic setting there is only one known city left in the world, and it is run by ChaoSonic.
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Published 18.01.2019

The Lab-Trailer (Unofficial)

Agent Six of Hearts has never had so much to lose, in this second thriller from Jack Heath. Agent Six of Hearts, year-old superhuman, is on a mission.

Remote Control

Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers. Library Summary: "Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers Remote Control. Jack Heath. Agent Six of Hearts is back in another high-octane adventure, and this time - it's personal! The evil Methryn Crexe, the mastermind behind the superhuman assassin project, has been rescued from the Deck's supposedly impenetrable prison.

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Teenage agent Six of Hearts is suspected of being a double agent, which has him on the run from his fellow agents at the Deck while also trying to track down his brother's kidnappers.
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