Jack reacher audio books in order

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jack reacher audio books in order

18 Audiobooks The Jack Reacher Complete Series by Lee Child MP 3 Unabridged for sale online | eBay

Ex-military policeman Jack Reacher is a drifter. He's just passing through Margrave, Georgia, and in less than an hour, he's arrested for murder. Not much of a welcome. All Reacher knows is that he didn't kill anybody. At least not here. Not lately. But he doesn't stand a chance of convincing anyone.
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Published 17.01.2019

Chiefs (Will Lee #1) by Stuart Woods Audiobook 1/2

The Jack Reacher Novels Audio Books

Killing Floor is the first book in the internationally popular Jack Reacher series. It presents Reacher for the first time, as the tough ex-military cop of no fixed abode: a righter of wrongs, the perfect action hero. Jack Reacher jumps off a bus and walks 14 miles down a country road into Margrave, Georgia. An arbitrary decision he's about to regret. Reacher is the only stranger in town on the day they have had their first homicide in 30 years.

Ex-military policeman Jack Reacher is a drifter. He's just passing through Margrave, Georgia, and in less than an hour, he's arrested for murder. Not much of a welcome. All Reacher knows is that he didn't kill anybody. At least not here. Not lately.

In chronological order, The Enemy would be the first book to read, as it takes place while Reacher is still in the Military followed by Night School. The Affair would be the next book to read, as it covers the end of Reachers Military career, and leads into Killing Floor. After that, all books would go by the order that they were published. Jack Reacher is the lead character and the protagonist in the series of books by British author Jim Grant who writes under the pseudonym of Lee Child. The books in the series follows Reacher as he goes through a number of exploits in his world.

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A series of books can be a daunting prospect. Do you have to begin at the beginning? Which book is the first one? Which book is the best one? Are there sub-plots or sub-series to tap into first? The series follows his exploits all across America and occasionally into other countries.


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