Pirate petes potty a ladybird potty training book

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pirate petes potty a ladybird potty training book

Pirate Pete's Potty

Pirate Pete and Princess Polly can help make potty training an exciting milestone for your child in these fun interactive books, created to gently encourage and reward successful toilet training. Talking to your little one about using the potty in the months running up to potty training helps them learn about the milestone while getting used to the idea of swapping their nappy for a cool pair of big kid pants. These fun sound books, featuring potty training pros Pirate Pete and Princess Polly, are a great way to prepare them for this momentous change. Pirate Pete and Princess Polly return to help make the transition from nappies to potty even more enticing. Packaged up in a fun activity format, these fab colouring books are a brilliant way to engage young children and capture their little attention spans. Packed with friendly illustrations, toddlers can help Princess Polly and Pirate Pete as they get rid of their nappies and start using a potty just like bigger children. Rewarding progress can inspire and encourage potty trainers and the Pirate Pete and Princess Polly reward charts included in these sticker books are a great resource once your training is underway.
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Published 15.01.2019

Pirate Petes Potty - Potty Training Video For Toddlers - Story Time

This book has been optimised for colour devices. Follow Pirate Pete as he swaps his nappy for big boy pants and begins to use the potty for the first time. Clear, practical text and engaging illustrations in this e-book help to counter many of the anxieties both children and parents may feel during potty training.

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Follow Pirate Pete as he swaps his nappy for big boy pants and begins to use the potty for the first time. Join in the fun with this interactive ebook. With child-friendly voice over, hilarious sound effects and animations, Pirate Pete's potty adventure is really brought to life for little ones. Clear, practical text and engaging illustrations help to counter many of the anxieties both children and parents may feel during potty training, and the cheer noise on every page is both fun and motivating. You read it to your kid six months before they are ready - every night so it's hard-wired into them. It's got this great little button in the corner so that you can cheer every time Pirate Pete does his business on the potty. The applause button is the stroke of genius.

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Even pirates use the potty! Pirate Pete's Potty is an entertaining picture book from Ladybird that helps parents struggling with potty training for toddlers aged 18+.
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2 thoughts on “6 Pirate Pete and Princess Polly books to help with Potty Training

  1. Pirate Pete's Potty: A Ladybird Potty Training Book by Andrea Pinnington | Baby Books at The Works

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