Before i ever met you book

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before i ever met you book

Before I Ever Met You

Before I Ever Met You. Karina Halle. I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager. He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend. Fast forward ten years: I'm 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year old son.
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Published 14.01.2019

Before I Ever Met You

*~*Before I Ever Met You by Karina Halle Cover Reveal*~*

I first met William McAlister when I was just a teenager. He was handsome, had a beautiful wife, and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner. McAlister was full of smooth charm, but back then he was barely a blip on my radar. Just a family friend. Fast forward 10 years: I'm 25 years old and a single mom trying to make things right for her seven-year-old son. I've made some mistakes, grappled with my demons, and now I'm back in the city of Vancouver, getting a second chance at a better life.


Intense. Wicked. Romance.


5 thoughts on “Before I Ever Met You by Karina Halle

  1. Before I Ever Met You book. Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A light-hearted STANDALONE CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE.

  2. He was handsome, had a beautiful wife and was on the verge of success, having just joined my father as his business partner.

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