Dark secrets book elizabeth chandler

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dark secrets book elizabeth chandler

Dark Secrets Series by Elizabeth Chandler

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Published 14.01.2019

Chandler, Elizabeth Dark Secrets 1

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Two girls haunted by the past She's determined to get through the visit without any drama, but when she falls into a twisted love triangle with potentially fatal consequences, Megan may be caught up in her family's legacy in more ways than she realizes. In Don't Tell , Lauren knows that by returning to the town where her mother drowned seven years ago, she'll be reliving one of her most haunting memories. When she arrives, she is propelled into a series of mysterious events that mimic the days leading up to her mother's death. Maybe her mother's drowning wasn't an accident after all

We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies. Dispatched from the UK in 2 business days When will my order arrive? Elizabeth Chandler. Angela M Hudson.

Simply link your Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number to your Booktopia account and earn points on eligible orders. Either by signing into your account or linking your membership details before your order is placed. Your points will be added to your account once your order is shipped. Click on the cover image above to read some pages of this book! Two girls haunted by the past She's determined to get through the visit without any drama, but when she falls into a twisted love triangle with potentially fatal consequences, Megan may be caught up in her family's legacy in more ways than she realises.

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Lauren has agreed to stay with Jule, her Godmother, who was best friends with her mum. And for some reason, Nora does not want Lauren there. Holly is more friendly to Lauren, and they pick up their friendship. Lauren also meets her childhood friend Nick, and an attraction between them is evident from the start, but things are complicated when Lauren finds out that Nick is dating Holly. It again features mystery and a ghostlike type of plot, but what I liked most about this story was that it delivered on the spooky level — especially Nora. In a way, Lauren was the adult of the story as Jule, her godmother, came across as quite immature: leaving her daughter Holly to sort out the financial business of the house, ignoring the suspicious things happening to Lauren. And in many ways, I found Jule to be quite despicable, in letting her daughter Nora — who obviously had problems — go without any help whatsoever, and simply ignoring it because it was easier.

4 thoughts on “Review: Part Two: Dark Secrets by Elizabeth Chandler

  1. Dark Secrets 2 | Book by Elizabeth Chandler | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

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