Fire with fire book jenny han

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fire with fire book jenny han

Book Review: Fire with Fire by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian - Literally Jen

As the book hits shelves this week, the cupcake-loving collaborators hit the road for some fun and frolic all through the fall. How did you end up collaborating? So we became friends, and then we became critique partners. Through that process, we figured out we were a really great pair—and we both had different strengths. Jenny is really great at character, whereas character comes later in the process for me. And it took us a full year of brainstorming and plotting what the story would be before we actually started writing even one word of it.
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Published 13.01.2019

Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian read from Fire with Fire

Fire with Fire

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Words cannot convey how much I enjoyed this book.
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