Aging with grace book summary

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aging with grace book summary

Review: Aging With Grace by David Snowdon | Books | The Guardian

Snowdon, David Ph. The book, Aging with Grace, is an account of a psychological study conducted by author, David Snowdon, Ph. The research benefit to using nuns was the lack of confounding variables in that they all have similar environments: no exposure to smoking, similar diets, practice celibacy, similar jobs, similar health care, and the same income. While the account of his research is the main focus of Aging with Grace, Snowdon also captures a personable aspect that delves into stories of the sisters he encountered along his research journey. Throughout the book we are introduced to procedures of the study and the findings.
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Published 13.01.2019

Dispelling Beauty Myths: Aging With Grace - Allure

Since , the author, an epidemiologist, has directed a research project dubbed the Nun Study. According to Snowdon, who previously studied Seventh- Day.

Aging with Grace

Look Inside. Apr 30, ISBN Nov 19, ISBN In Dr. Yet Aging with Grace is more than a groundbreaking health and science book.

Since , the author, an epidemiologist, has directed a research project dubbed the Nun Study. According to Snowdon, who previously studied Seventh-Day Adventists, religious group members make ideal subjects because of their similar and somewhat insular lives. Specifically, he has been tracking the lives of elderly nuns who are members of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, to assess the effects of aging. Snowdon describes in detail a pilot study he conducted with the sisters in Mankato, Wis. This initial research convinced him to expand his base to other convents and to focus primarily on Alzheimer's disease. The participants, ranging in age from 75 to , agreed to provide access to their medical and personal histories and, after death, to donate their brain tissue to the project.

Aging with Grace book. Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. In Dr. David Snowdon, one of the world's leading experts on.
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See a Problem?

How do you ask a nun for her brain? Medical researchers like to study religious groups, as their similar lifestyles give a purer picture of a disease. Still, there is something inescapably yucky about asking a year-old nun to sign up for an Alzheimer's study in which she will be tested annually for signs of senility. When she does eventually depart this earthly realm, her soul will be headed one way but her brain will be raced across country, bundled into a plastic tub and freighted parcel express to a laboratory for analysis. Could there be any more morbid subject matter for a book?



4 thoughts on “Aging with Grace by David Snowdon: | Books

  1. Yet David Snowdon, a University of Kentucky epidemiologist, has written a wonderfully warm and illuminating account of his now famous Nun Study. Aging With Grace is lucid about the science of senility - what exactly are the chances of escaping dementia? When he first met his nuns.

  2. Yet Aging with Grace is more than a groundbreaking health and science book. It is the inspiring human story of these remarkable women—ranging in age from.

  3. What the Nun Study Teaches Us About Leading Longer, Healthier, and More Meaningful Lives

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