Health books health in your hands

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health books health in your hands

Health in Your Hands by Devendra Vora, M.D. - Free Download PDF

Health In Your Hands Volume - 1 teaches readers to practice acupressure to cure various types of illnesses, both minor and major. This health science can help prevent as well as diagnose a range of diseases. This results in good health. In Health In Your Hands Volume - 1 , the author first describes the human anatomy, so that readers can understand how acupressure actually works. Vora illustrates how endocrine glands act as regulators in the body.
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Published 13.01.2019

Acupressure : Health On Your Hands

Health In Your Hands: Instant Diagnosis & Cure of Serious Diseases I read the book and I was trying to explain to my daughter (16 yrs) and she asked me why.

Health in Your Hands, Volume 2: Instant Diagnosis and Cure of Serious Diseases

A most precious gift given to Mankind bu Nature. The only Health Science which assists you in preventing diseases, diagnosing them and curing them without Drugs and any side effects. World renowned Acupressurist Dr. Devendra Vora has analysed that the pressure applied on certain points located in the palms and soles helps to stimulate all organs of the body, prevents diseases and assists in maintaining good health. These two volumes are unique in the sense that they will give great relief to worrying mankind.

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4 thoughts on “Health In Your Hands: Instant Diagnosis & Cure of Serious Diseases by Devendra Vora

  1. Health In Your Hands: Acupressure and Natural Therapies (2 Vols.) by Devendra Vora at Vedic Books

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