Daddy long legs book review jean webster

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daddy long legs book review jean webster

Blog: Retro Reads: Daddy Long-Legs by Jean Webster ·

Much like my experience with Anne of Green Gables just before I left for New York, I was instantly enchanted by the character of Judy, whose personality comes leaping off the pages, and shocked that I had never come across this before. Because they should be! Judy has no family to write to, so she tells Daddy Long Legs every detail of her new life at college. Judy stops to take notice of the things most people have learnt to take for granted by her age, and this delight in everything she sees, and thankfulness for everything, no matter how small, make her both beautifully childlike, and wonderfully optimistic. Despite her often loveless and difficult childhood, she has managed to grow a generous, warm, big heart that loves passionately and rejoices in the world that has dealt her a pretty hard hand.
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Published 23.03.2019

Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster - Audiobook

Daddy-Long-Legs & Dear Enemy

In my opinion, the most amazing thing about books is that they can have a different meaning for us in different moments of our lives. The book I am going to speak about is one of those I read as a child, and after enjoying it numerous times the last few years I have decided to name it my favorite one. Being the oldest of the pupils, she has to work hard for her pension, helping to take care of the other kids. Despite the sad and boring life she leads, she is a cheerful and creative person and has a talent for writing. One day, one of the trustees of the orphanage reads one of the essays she has written for school, talking about her life as an orphan child, and it impresses him so favorably that he decides to pay for her to go to college, believing that she has potential to become a writer. But he sets a strange condition: Jerusha must write a letter to him every month, telling him about her life and her studies, but she must never expect any letters from him in return.

It follows the protagonist, Jerusha "Judy" Abbott, as she leaves an orphanage and is sent to college by a benefactor whom she has never seen. Jerusha Abbott was brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage. The children were completely dependent on charity and had to wear other people's cast-off clothes. Jerusha's unusual first name was selected by the matron from a gravestone she hates it and uses "Judy" instead , while her surname was selected out of the phone book. At the age of 17, she finished her education and is at loose ends, still working in the dormitories at the institution where she was brought up. One day, after the asylum's trustees have made their monthly visit, Judy is informed by the asylum's dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to pay her way through college.

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