Best books for expanding vocabulary

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best books for expanding vocabulary

8 Books That Will Enrich Your Vocabulary And Train Your Thinking Mind | Why To Read

Ever wonder why building a good vocabulary is so important and which are the best books to improve vocabulary? Vocabulary is one of the most important tools to facilitate communication. Because vocabulary is so important, it is wise to increase the size of your vocabulary whenever you can. Aside from being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas to others, college entrance exams and graduate school entrance exams test your vocabulary as a measure of your language skills in English. The size of your vocabulary is also a good indicator of your comprehension ability when reading new material. Finally, as students from other countries are learning English as a second language, they need to build their vocabulary.
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Published 09.01.2019

6 Books for Improving Your English: Advanced English Lesson

There's no better way to gain a larger vocabulary than by reading novels of all types Perhaps the best choice for vocabulary expansion of any novel on this list.

7 Novels to Read for a Better Vocabulary

People read for a variety of reasons: entertainment, knowledge, understanding. Your high school teachers might have considered the classics the only true literature with educational value, but there are plenty of modern tales that can help you pick up new words to fling around at cocktail parties. Here are seven novels, both classic and modern, that will grant you a bigger vocabulary. You may want to keep a dictionary on hand while reading! Okay, maybe this is cheating a bit. Many of the references in modern literature are based off the works of the Bard, and the English language, itself, owes much to Shakespeare. Did you know he invented quite a few of the words used in everyday language?

Are you having a difficult time building your vocabulary? Many English language learners feel that vocabulary exercises are one of the most challenging parts to mastering English. Building your vocabulary is one of the most important parts of learning a new language. In some ways, having a large vocabulary is more important than knowing the right grammar rules and word order. Learning English is supposed to be fun and engaging , and sitting at your desk memorizing flashcards is anything but that. One of the best ways to make learning vocabulary exciting is to get motivated. Here are some tips to help you increase your vocabulary:.

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One of the best ways to learn new vocabulary and to improve your grammar is to read books which push the boundaries of your language skills. The books on this list will challenge you to keep reading, teach you new words and sentence structures, and with the quality of their writing, force you to push yourself to a new level of language competence. Reading the Ulysses is a mission and a hefty challenge, but when you decide to embark on this journey, you have to fully commit to completing it, no matter how you feel. After the first few chapters, as you struggle and grapple with the complex language, it will click and you will attain a new level of understanding. Ulysses is filled with words, some of which Joyce, like Shakespeare , coined himself—words that vocabulary buffs will revel in.

There is nothing quite like a good book. Getting lost in a story filled with rich characters in intriguing or exotic settings that you can become a part of, is an experience like no other. Books are also a great resource for finding words that may surprise you, intrigue you or leave you scratching your head. In other words, they are a great way to build vocabulary. Books may not be the most efficient or the quickest way to refine your inner lexicon but it may be the purest way. That is not to say that other resources like vocabulary software are not worthwhile - quite the contrary.


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