Best smart thinking books 2017

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best smart thinking books 2017

Popular Smart Thinking Books

Smart Thinking. Every once in a while, you find a book that combines leading edge science with news you can use. Our friend and colleague Art Markman has written just such a book. But, he has also spent time outside of the lab working on real problems. He works with companies to give their employees new ways to think. He even contributed some psychology background to two of the YOU books. In Smart Thinking , Art has taken his command of cognitive science from his own research and from his experience as a journal editor and boiled the discipline down to its essence.
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Published 09.01.2019

The 9 Best Books I Read in 2017

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Best ‘brainy’ books of this decade

It is impressively intersectional in its approach, talking about class and gender as well as reframing the conversation to be Britain-focused. The title alone is arresting, and can sort out those who judge a book by its cover from those willing to interrogate and investigate their own privilege. Sapiens has been highly praised by the gurus of Silicon Valley, and read by geeks whose culture usually centres on fantasy movies, computer games, etc — even though Harari himself is far from that world. His life seems austere and he avoids social media. Sapiens has widened the world view of millions of readers other whistorians cannot reach — and next month Harari may have three books simultaneously in the bestseller lists.

Computers & Software

Plenty of people are intelligent and have the right qualifications. But in business, to be successful, you also have to be smart and creative. This book contains 60 pieces of di This book contains 60 pieces of distilled wisdom to help you think smartly and creatively, and to enable you to stand out from the others. Divided into six main sections Growth, Communication, Innovation, Creativity, Relationships and Thinking, this powerful little book draws from a range of disciplines and perspectives to enable readers to transform the way they approach work and life. LID Publishing's popular Concise Advice Lab notebooks are designed to be quick and comprehensive brainstorming tools and skill-building resources for busy professionals.

4 thoughts on “Smart Thinking Books | Waterstones

  1. Books shelved as smart-thinking: Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell, Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everythi.

  2. Doughnut Economics: An Animated Guide. Economics is broken. Can it be fixed? Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics aims to answer the most complex and.

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