Best book to learn indian history

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best book to learn indian history

10 Indian History Books You Must Read

A Passage to India is one of my favourite books about India. Some are by Indian authors, and some are by foreigners who have spent a lot of time in India. Both perspectives are useful and valid, and can help visitors struggling to understand this complex culture. However, some of the most popular books about India are not that great … if you ask me …. I tried to read Shantaram when I was living in Delhi, but ended up literally throwing it across the room after I was about three-quarters of the way through. I thought it was poorly written and more about the fevered imagination of its writer than about India. In fact, it offers very little insight into India, if you ask me; and the longer I spend in India getting to know it, the more true this statement becomes.
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Published 08.01.2019

20 Indian History books every Indian should read!

Here is a list of 10 must read books on Indian history. Ramachandra Guha is perhaps one of India's best historians currently. Sultan Muhmud of Persia, Alberuni travelled to India to learn about the Hindus, and to discuss.

10 Best History Books You Will Ever Read

Even more of a wonder is that beyond surviving, we came up with democracy and literature, sailed across thousands of miles of open ocean and into the unknown, underwent a Renaissance and an Enlightenment and a Jazz Age, and got guys on the moon. History is messy stuff, but much of it is, in fact, not ugly. The more you know about it, the more the messes makes sense, both historically speaking and in modern context. Here are 10 great history books that drop brilliant knowledge bombs page after page. Our top picks stretch across time and the globe, but you can see many of our favorites are about Western civilization, recent history, the United States. In A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Ag e, historian William Manchester humanizes many of our centuries-old forebears, bringing to life those people we know only from paintings wrought in odd profile with expressionless gaze, tapestries faded by the years, or from etched visages staring down sternly at us from stained glass windows.

A few days ago we asked everyone on our Facebook and Twitter pages to recommend a book on Indian history.
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A World Lit Only by Fire by William Manchester

Skip to main content. Amazon Bestsellers Our most popular products based on sales. Updated hourly. Bestsellers in Indian History. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Yuval Noah Harari.

Save a few giants like the Buddha, Akbar and Gandhi, the great figures of Indian history are little known outside the country, and some are little remembered inside the country, either. Among these figures are the giants like Gandhi whom many readers will be familiar with. Then there is Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, a Robert Moses-like figure who oversaw public works in the kingdom of Mysore and helped bring electricity to Bangalore several years before it reached Bombay, which was under British control at the time. And the sad but inspiring story of the artist Amrita Sher-Gil, who gained fame and notoriety through her provocative paintings of herself and everyday Indian life but whose own life was cut short by either food poisoning or an abortion gone wrong. He has spent much of his career studying India. The book follows a BBC radio and podcast series of the same title that Khilnani wrote and narrated.

2 thoughts on “10 Best History Books You Will Ever Read | The Manual

  1. There is no single book that could cover the entire “Indian history” in the best way possible. What are the best books for learning about European history?.

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