The best interface is no interface book

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the best interface is no interface book

Golden Krishna: The best interface is no interface – Part 2 - Justinmind

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Published 08.01.2019

the new User Interface is NO User Interface at all

The best interface is no interface

For years, designer Golden Krishna has been behind the scenes, solving technology problems for companies from startups to Fortune He's currently a Senior UX Designer at Zappos Labs, where he works in a small group dedicated to creating new, delightful experiences for Zappos. Previously, he worked at a Samsung innovation lab, designing and building the near future of consumer electronics. He began his career working at the world-renowned design consultancy Cooper in San Francisco. Golden Krishna. Our love affair with the digital interface is out of control.

Screens have taken over our lives. We check our phones over times a day, responding to the addictive buzzes and rings from our apps. But as technology evolves, so should our ways to interact with them. In The Best Interface is No Interface , Golden Krishna explains how we got to this point and what we can do to design more elegant experiences for a world beyond the screen. They both got the letter U for User and the other letter is probably not that important. Or is it?

I was at that session as Krishna challenged the screen-based assumptions of the status quo. And instead of pursuing the best, most creative, inventive, and useful ways to solve a problem, we started solving problems with screens because that was our job description. When we saw problems, we slapped an interface on it. UX stopped being about people, and started being about rounded rectangles and parallax animations. Interfaces proliferated as the web grew from an assemblage of disconnected sites and information into all-encompassing ecosystem where all our moves are analyzed, optimized and monetized through ads within applications.


Several years ago, I read this post and was inspired to write a post of my own , excited about the potential of an interfaceless world. By rethinking software without the constraints of a screen, designers can focus on solving problems more efficiently. For designers and innovators, screens have become a crutch. As the internet of things has generated more hype, smartphone apps are popping up everywhere for managing home security, door locks, lights, etc.. The problem with many of these applications is that they depend on users interacting with the screen.

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