Best books for special education students

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best books for special education students

Five Novel Suggestions for Students with Special Needs

Just like most teachers, special education teachers go above and beyond the call of duty to learn how to be the best they can be for their students. Fortunately, there are many excellent books and resources available on the market today. The following five books provide important insights and tools to help teachers in their challenging and rewarding career. Editors: Cecil R. Reynolds, Kimberly J. Vannest and Elaine Fletcher-Janzen.
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Published 07.01.2019

10 Books EVERY Student Should Read - Essential Book Recommendations

5 Must-Read Books for Teachers of Students With Learning Disabilities

The term 'special education' encompasses dozens of learning challenges: developmental delay, learning and physical disabilities, emotional disturbance, retardation, language impairment, autism, and others. By nature of this diversity, navigating even well-run, well-funded special education programs can be daunting. A Parent's Guide to Special Education offers invaluable information and a positive vision of special education that will help them through a potentially overwhelming process. Filled with practical recommendations, sample forms, and enlightening examples, this is a priceless resource for helping every child learn. The Third Edition of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Special Education has been thoroughly updated to include the latest information about new legislation and guidelines.

Randomly choosing a book off the classroom or library book shelf is not a good move for supplementing any lesson plan, and it's especially counter-productive in the special education classroom. Since great reading materials are still an essential form of learning enhancement, educational professionals today can make specific and relevant choices to share with students through a wealth of available resources, including great novels! According to Ellen Notbohm, award winning author and columnist, choosing a great novel for the special ed. Then there are the graphic novels which kids of all ages and special needs sometimes prefer. With all of these points in mind, educators from various school systems have some great suggestions for your reading list! The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is especially good for teaching in the special ed. In this story, a little boy plants a carrot seed that everyone insists will never grow; he even shocks his parents with such resolve by standing his ground no matter what others think or say about his endeavor.

Special needs students can be a tough crowd during read-aloud time. We know that teacher read-alouds are important to model fluency and develop a love of reading for our general education students. I promise there will be smiles and laughter or at the very least, their eyes will be on the book. Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein. Facial expression, gestures, and volume make this book so fun.

A Mind at a Time

Choosing a career in the educational field can allow aspiring teachers and administrators to make a positive difference in the lives of children and adolescents. Educators who specialize in working with students with learning or developmental disabilities can often open up new windows of opportunity that can have an impact throughout the lives of their students. Numerous books have been written about the joys and challenges of teaching children with learning disabilities. Here are five must-read essentials for students interested in a career in special education. Rather than investing in one-size-fits-all teaching strategies, Levine argues for a personalized approach to education that takes the strengths and potential of each student into account when designing teaching plans for the classroom.

Special education teachers work with students with variety of disabilities. It is better for them to stay up to date and get different perspectives. This highly praised book is an autobiographical perspective of autism, revealing the personal struggles of a boy and his mother. Sean painstakingly describes his bewildering experiences and emotions, from puzzlement about navigating social interactions to feelings of extreme unhappiness. He further details how he would become frustrated when attributed patterns were disrupted.

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