Best books about country music history

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best books about country music history

10 Best New Country Music Books To Read In - BookAuthority

Look Inside. Sep 10, Minutes Buy. Sep 10, ISBN Sep 10, Minutes. But above all, Country Music is the story of the musicians. Rife with rare photographs and endlessly fascinating anecdotes, the stories in this sweeping yet intimate history will captivate longtime country fans and introduce new listeners to an extraordinary body of music that lies at the very center of the American experience.
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Published 06.01.2019

15 Biographical Books Everyone Should Read

Ever wonder how your favorite country music artist got started? Here are our picks for the five best country music autobiographies.

Must Read: The Five Best Country Music Autobiographies

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This list of 50 Great Books About Country Music includes lively, well-written of the top artists who embody the history of country music in their own dreams.
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Escott, who's also written a fine biography on Hank Williams, wrote this book to coincide with the production of a BBC series on the history of country. If you're only going to read one book on the subject and don't want to commit yourself to something as long and involved as Malone's account, this is the book to go for. It's clearly written, well told, and supplemented with fine photos. Originally published in , Malone's book was the only game in town for a long time. Many other academic histories of country music have since been published, but this remains the gold standard and still probably the place to go if you want a one-stop, serious resource. Millard's book is a well-organized reference for the fan or researcher. He includes tons of performer bios, great photographs some of which haven't been published anywhere else , solid interpretive essays, and a year by year timeline of notable releases and events.

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