Best books to help relationships

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best books to help relationships

The 15 Best Books About Relationships

AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service. Lots of dudes are embarrassed about reading relationship advice books, or self help books in general. They shouldn't be. Nobody is born with all of the necessary wisdom you need when you're making your relationship work. There's nothing wrong with seeking outside help to improve your relationship.
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Published 06.01.2019

Top 7 Books Every Man Must Read For Dating Advice, Attraction, Confidence, Charisma & Seduction

Best Books About Relationships

Last Updated on September 30, Relationships can be tricky things. One minute they can be going great, and the next minute everything seems to be going wrong. Talking through problems is a great way to come to a compromise with your loved one. However, counseling has its limitations. Even if you do it once week, that is only a small amount of therapy, leaving a lot of other time to let resentment and anger build. The perfect supplement to therapy to is reading some quality books on improving relationships.

To help you get back to loving, we've gathered the best book about relationships available right now. These range from tried-and-true classics.
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There is a lot of stigma around purchasing a relationship book. But it is time to cut the embarrassment. These range from tried-and-true classics remember Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? This one is an absolute classic. Your parents probably had it on their bedside at some point, and though that may have been many moons ago, it is still incredibly salient.

In the first year of Barack Obama's presidency, he gave an interview with his wife, Michelle, to The New Yorker that's often quoted for one particular explanation about their marriage. He said, "What sustains our relationship is I'm extremely happy with her, and part of it has to do with the fact that she is at once completely familiar to me, so that I can be myself and she knows me very well and I trust her completely, but at the same time she is also a complete mystery to me in some ways. It's no secret that the former president and first lady's relationship is a source of inspiration, but the same can be said about other connections in their lives—at least from the public's view. The individual self-esteem Michelle and Barack have extends to the bonds they share with their children and relatives. Sure, these two are public figures, but let's not forget that they're people too. So are there common best practices that anyone can learn to foster healthy relationships?

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