The best young adults book series

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the best young adults book series

31 of the Best Book Series for Teens

Skip navigation! Elena Nicolaou. But lately, the genre has given authors the opportunity to create rich worlds that draw from culturally specific mythologies or historical periods. In two books, for example, authors dive back into 18th and 19th century Paris and supernatural twists. In a way, YA fantasy offers a chance to rewrite history , in addition to letting imaginations soar. Through the lens of these YA fantasy books, history is suddenly a place full of young women who take the reins of their own story and cause major world events to unfold ; a place where magic is within reach.
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Published 05.01.2019

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100 Must-Read YA Book Series

Print book list. The hook: At 9 years old, Finnikin has a prophetic dream about the destruction of his kingdom, Lumatere. The prophecy leads him to make a pact with his two best friends to protect their people. As Finnikin grows up, he spends his life trying to find a home for the refugees locked outside the kingdom. Finnikin struggles between his growing love for Evanjalin and his quest to save his friends and kingdom. This richly complex fantasy trilogy is beautifully written with well-developed characters and an intricate plot, which might make it a bit hard to get into for weaker readers. Parents should note the mature sexual content including rape and violence make this series best for older teens and up.

As an online gamer girl, Sofi Snow works behind the scenes to protect her brother, Shilo, as he competes in a mix of real and virtual blood sport. She must partner with Miguel, a Delonese Ambassador, to free Shilo and warn those on Earth of impending doom. All genres are represented! Are you ready to find your next favorite YA book series? This trilogy follows Lara Jean Song, whose secret love letters accidentally get sent to her crushes, and the embarrassing and surprisingly romantic consequences. Three novels focusing on an interconnected group of Australian teens, exploring life, love, grief, and identity.

They make you laugh, they make you cry, and chances are, they made you read well past your bedtime. These are the best young adult fiction series ever written, as voted on by you. But while these books are all considered in the "young adult" genre, they can vary wildly in tone.
fantasy novels with gay main characters

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2 thoughts on “Best Young Adult Fiction Series

  1. One of life's greatest pleasure is discovering a series of books that you just ten books series that follows the epic fails and triumphs of British teen .. Sign up for What's Up In YA? to receive all things young adult literature.

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