Best books for 6 month baby

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best books for 6 month baby

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I love diving into a good baby book with my boys. Reading to your baby is such a special experience. I always feel so connected to my kids when we read. To me, sitting in an armchair or laying on the bed and reading a few books with my kids is an expression of love. Turns out, this is backed by science.
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Published 05.01.2019

6 - 9 Month Must-Haves Part 1 - Developmental Toys - Home Safety

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Best Books For 3-6 Months Old Kids

Reading to baby doesn't come naturally for every parent, especially when your little one is too young to truly interact during reading time. But with every page turned, you're stimulating cognitive development and helping to establish a love of reading that will last long past the toddler years. If you are looking for a few perfect books to add to your child's collection, we have the scoop on the best types of books to promote cognitive development and a lifelong passion for reading. Research indicates that high-contrast colors like black and white register most strongly in a baby's brain and help the optic nerve to grow. Odds are, your little one won't start turning the pages or even paying much attention to them until he's a few months old. Until then, maximize their interest by capitalizing on their love of touching everything around them. Lean toward sturdy books made of vinyl or cloth that will stand up to a few chews.

With so many books for sale, it can be really hard to know which ones are best for your baby. In my new series of blog posts, I'll be sharing the.
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2. Infant (4-6 months): a tactile book

I love this age for reading to babies because it is when reading is first starting to be more of an interactive experience. You know, the words that generally become their first words. When my kids reached this age they seemed more attentive when I read to them than ever before and I could tell that they were really observing the illustrations and listening to the words. When they were in the mood that is. Babies will be babies! They would even point to pictures sometimes or even try to babble along with my reading. I absolutely loved it all!

So when is the right time to give your little ones their first books? The earlier, the better. Just like how infants observe rattles and other colourful toys that stimulate their thinking abilities and helps them perceive the various colours and sensorial skills books are a great option too! Here, we tell you a list of the best touch and feel books you need to get for your little ones. Don't worry if it is too early for them. Happy reading!

Skip to main content Books for 6 Month Old Babies. In Stock. Grandmas Do, Too! I bought this for my first grandchild at Christmas She was 4 months old at the time.

4 thoughts on “Books for 6 Month Old Babies:

  1. Reading with babies that are 6 months-old to 12 months-old can be so much fun and there is a HUGE selection out there of fabulous books for this age group.

  2. This classic is still one of our favorites because it's so interactive -- we love touching the bunny's fur, playing peekaboo, and more.

  3. Switch to board books around 6 months to encourage little fingers to start a few perfect books to add to your child's collection, we have the scoop on the best.

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