Best allen carr stop smoking book

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best allen carr stop smoking book

Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking > About > Which Format

Millions of converts claim the 'Easy Way' is the most effective method of stopping smoking. So why does the NHS not get behind it? Former smoker Laurence Phelan reports. Without wishing to overgeneralise, people like me — well read, sceptical, snobbish — think that self-help manuals are lame and the people who read them are losers. But ask which book I most regularly recommend to others, or which has had the most significant influence on my thinking and lifestyle, and I'll have to admit that it's my well-thumbed charity-shop find The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently by the late Allen Carr — an extended recapitulation of his million-selling hit The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. What I discovered in its pages was a deeply shocking truth: that I'd neither enjoyed nor depended upon cigarettes to the extent I'd thought. In fact, I hadn't enjoyed or depended upon cigarettes at all — I'd merely convinced myself otherwise so as to assuage the cognitive dissonance between the rational part of my brain, which knows smoking is an ill-advised, expensive and dangerous hobby, and the short-sighted, nicotine-addicted pre-mammalian parts of my brain that didn't care, and just wanted another cigarette.
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Published 04.01.2019

Quit Smoking Advice - Allen Carr

Best Quit Smoking Books – The Top 3 Books to Help you Along Your Way

This accounts for over 42 million people. Millions are also trying to quit smoking. Many just feel that they do not possess the willpower to do so. In any case, being informed about the facts of smoking, and gathering proper support is needed in order to obtain the best chances for quitting for good. It is for this reason that so many have chosen books to help them along their personal journey. There are many books on the market, but some miss the point, and others are spot on.

It is the world's bestselling book on how to give up smoking and over nine million copies have been sold worldwide. Read this book and you'll never smoke another cigarette again. THE unique method: No scare tactics No weight-gain The psychological need to smoke disappears as you read Feel great to be a non-smoker Join the 25 million men and women that Allen Carr has helped give up smoking. It was nothing short of a miracle" - Anjelica Huston. I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped" - Sir Anthony Hopkins.

They provide you with no genuine pleasure or crutch, they simply keep you addicted — a slave to nicotine. Get it clearly into your mind: you are losing nothing and you are making marvellous positive gains not only in health, energy and money but also in confidence, self-respect, freedom and, most important of all, in the length and quality of your future life. Light your final cigarette and make a solemn vow that regardless of what highs or lows may befall you in future, you will never puff on another cigarette or take nicotine in any form again. This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make because the length and quality of your future life critically depend on it. Having made what you know to be the correct decision never even begin to question or to doubt that decision.

In-person seminar

To help smokers quit during Stoptober we asked stop smoking experts for their top tips on how to give up. After quitting smoking, having smoked 80 cigarettes a day, John Dicey was inspired to help others do the same. He was trained by the late Allen Carr in and went on to treat more than 30, smokers face to face.

I have dedicated a lot of time to giving up smoking. Its approach is old-fashioned compared to all the other solutions the marvels of modern medicine have churned out. The method is quite simple: read the book, and continue to smoke hallelujah while reading the book. Carr believes that telling smokers to cease immediately will only increase anxiety and drive them back to the cigarettes. His Easy Way instead unpicks common misperceptions associated with smoking, allowing the reader to consider the case before coming to his or her own conclusions.

It's the same method, but it's delivered in different formats - in-person seminars, online seminars and books. What is the difference between them, and what will work best for you? That depends on a variety of factors including your location, your learning style and your budget. The most effective way to learn Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking is unquestionably the live seminar. If you live within a reasonable distance of a seminar center in the US we offer New York, Los Angeles, Denver and in Canada we offer Toronto and Vancouver we strongly recommend that you attend.

2 thoughts on “How Allen Carr saved my lungs | The Independent

  1. Buy Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking: Read this book and you'll never smoke a cigarette again by Allen Carr (ISBN: #1 Best Sellerin Aging.

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