Best science books of 2017

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best science books of 2017

The Ten Best Science Books of | Science | Smithsonian

I have written at length about what separates great science books from the merely good , but I keep coming back to the elegant criterion Carson both named and exemplified. In his signature Sacksian way, he explores the universal through the deeply personal — not only with case studies of his patients, as he has done so beautifully for nearly half a century across his classic books, but this time with the case study of his own self as his body and mind go through the process of aging and eventually dying. Sacks brings the friendly curiosity for which he is so beloved to this ultimate testing ground of character, emerging once more as the brilliant, lovable human he was. Read more here. For biologist David George Haskell , the notion of listening to trees is neither metaphysical abstraction nor mere metaphor.
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Published 04.01.2019

Book reviews - Three popular science books you should read (and one you shouldn't)

T hink of anything that ever breathed — from bacteria to blue whales to Roman emperors — and some of his, her or its last breath is either circulating inside you now or will be shortly. By and large, Kean succeeds in this hugely enjoyable, slightly rambling account of our atmosphere and the remarkable men and women who transformed our knowledge about the air we breathe.

The best books for science nerds published in 2017

We love books and we get so many of them through our door it's always difficult to pick out the best read, but that we have done - here's our pick of the best from By James Lloyd. Here are some of our favourites…. The next time someone tells you off for swearing, give them a copy of this book. Byrne explains all the ways in which swearing is good for us, from pain relief to team bonding, and reveals what cursing chimpanzees can tell us about the origin of dirty words. Puzzle : The titles of four nursery rhymes have had their vowels removed and their consonants respaced. How quickly can you decipher them?

At its heart, science is about curiosity. So it stands to reason that a book about science should make you examine your world more closely, and in doing so, give you a sense of childhood wonder and whimsy. But the best science and tech writing goes one step further. In doing so, they make our experience of that world that much richer. In , the average American ate 92 pounds of chicken. That number is a modern marvel made possible in large part by antibiotics.

Check out their picks below. The River of Consciousness , by Oliver Sacks. In his signature Sacksian way, he gets at the universal through the deeply personal—not only with case studies of his patients, as he has done so beautifully for nearly half a century across his books, but this time with the case study of his own self as his body goes through the process of aging and eventually dying.
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The book options included a novella about an out-of-this-world college student, a tale about life in the sunken New York City of the future, and astronaut Scott Kelly's memoir about his year in space. There was a little something for everyone who loves the Earth, the stars, or those who inhabit them., Bonnier Corp.

This book should crown his efforts to understand how humans use science to grapple with the edges of the knowable world. It promises to be a scholarly volume, but is packed with colour photographs and meticulous reconstructions. Perfect for armchair time travellers. In the late s, Russian geneticist Dmitry Belyaev set out to trace how domestication alters wild animals. In a country that had outlawed genetics for a decade, his cover was that he was breeding foxes for the fur trade. Many of us have a vague idea about the internet having its roots in defence spending, but no hard specifics about the agency involved. The astonishing story, told by a journalist, reeks of the cold war.


5 thoughts on “Consent Form | Popular Science

  1. It's been a bumpy road for science in , and now's a good time to reflect on what makes science so great: Stories of discovery and wonder.

  2. These books not only inspired awe and wonder—they helped us better understand the machinations of our world.

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