Medical pharmacology and therapeutics waller pdf

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medical pharmacology and therapeutics waller pdf

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics - 5th Edition

This book covers the whole gamut of pharmacology from basic science pharmacology and pathophysiology, through clinical pharmacology to therapeutics. This integrative approach is in line with the new medical curricula. The first section covers the basic principles, followed by the bulk of the book organized by body systems. The book ends with sections on toxicity and prescribing practice. Each chapter ends with case histories, multiple choice questions and a tabular presentation of all common drugs within a particular class. The level of detail closely matches the needs of medical students and the current medical curriculum. General Principles.
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Published 29.12.2018

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics: An Introduction

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2nd edition

A thorough and contemporaneous working knowledge of both pharmacology and therapeutics is integral to the current practice of pharmacy, and both disciplines form a significant and rudimentary part of the undergraduate curricula. It is vital that the student is able to formulate scientific rationale for the use of pharmacological agents in the treatment of disease, and that a sound underpinning knowledge of all relevant disciplines enables them to do so. Of equal importance is the ability of the teacher to present essential information about pharmacology and therapeutics as part of an integrated curricula in a way that engages the student and enhances their appreciation of the applicability of these various disciplines to clinical practice. This review seeks to investigate elements that are specific to the needs of the target audience and will explore the potential of this book in achieving those aims. Medicine, Education, Pharmacology, therapeutics, pharmacy. Creative Commons Attribution 4. This article has been peer reviewed.

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Waller, Derek G. Saunders W. Co Ltd , pp. This book covers the whole gamut of pharmacology from basic science pharmacology and pathophysiology, through clinical pharmacology to therapeutics. This integrative approach is in line with the new medical curricula. The first section covers the basic principles, followed by the bulk of the book organised by body systems. The book ends with sections on toxicity and prescribing practice.

PDF - Published Version Waller and Sampson's 'Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics' aims to encourage a deeper understanding of the.
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5th Edition

It forms a complete, integrated resource for basic pharmaceutical science, pathophysiology, clinical pharmacology, and therapeutics. The fifth edition has been extensively revised and updated throughout. Key features include:. Presentation of how drugs are used in clinical practice. Succinct explanations of the major pathogenic mechanisms of each disease and consequent clinical signs and symptoms.

Waller and Anthony P. It forms a complete, integrated resource for basic pharmaceutical science, pathophysiology, clinical pharmacology, and therapeutics. Sign Up Log In. Try a Free Sample. Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 5th edition , by Derek G.

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