Seminal retention and higher consciousness the sexology of kundalini pdf

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seminal retention and higher consciousness the sexology of kundalini pdf

Consciousness Rising | Common Sense Kundalini | JJ Semple

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Published 24.12.2018

Episode 02 - Sex & Kundalini

The Biology of Consciousness: Case Studies in Kundalini

I have a unique way for this but I don't feel I should reveal it in a light manner to the World, however much I'd like to let everyone know. Funny implications!? I started my spiritual journey three years ago however I am still struggling with semen retention, it would be a great help if you could let me know the secret. It will expedite my spiritual journey. Thank you anyway. That's what the article is all about: you learn to squeeze PC muscle, for which, Wikipedia gives us the following definition: "The pubococcygeus muscle or PC muscle is a hammock-like muscle, found in both sexes, that stretches from the pubic bone to the coccyx tail bone forming the floor of the pelvic cavity and supporting the pelvic organs.


In the s and 80s he lived in France, where he directed his own training school, Arazon, a company that prepared managers for negotiation and problem solving. He returned to Paris to work for Apple Computer Europe, designing multimedia programs. He also taught a multimedia course at the American University in Paris. It was during this period that he began writing feature screenplays. Semple's formal education includes studying English Literature at the University of Pennsylvania and George Washington University, and a master's degree in marketing from Hauts Etudes de Commerce in Paris. His personal education involves yogic practices and spiritual exploration, inspired by a wide variety of teachers, writers and philosophers, including Gopi Krishna, Milarepa, and Lao Tse.

5 thoughts on “Seminal Retention and Higher Consciousness: The Sexology of Kundalini by JJ Semple - Read Online

  1. Seminal Retention and Higher Consciousness: The Sexology of Kundalini eBook: JJ Semple: Kindle Store.

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