Introduction to nuclear and particle physics pdf

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introduction to nuclear and particle physics pdf

Python Textbook Companion Project | FOSSEE, IIT Bombay

This textbook fills the gap between the very basic and the highly advanced volumes that are widely available on the subject. It offers a concise but comprehensive overview of a number of topics, like general relativity, fission and fusion, which are otherwise only available with much more detail in other textbooks. Providing a general introduction to the underlying concepts relativity, fission and fusion, fundamental forces , it allows readers to develop an idea of what these two research fields really involve. The book uses real-world examples to make the subject more attractive and encourage the use of mathematical formulae. Besides short scientists' biographies, diagrams, end-of-chapter problems and worked solutions are also included.
File Name: introduction to nuclear and particle physics
Size: 11692 Kb
Published 23.12.2018

Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics #45

The text opens with an introduction to the basic concepts used in nuclear and particle physics and then moves on to describe their respective phenomenologies and experimental methods.

Elementary particle

What's new. It contains lecture summaries and copies of the examples sheets and previous exam papers for the course. Nuclear and particle data Particle Data Group compiles the most up-to-date listings of particle masses, decays and other properties. NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty has up-to-date values for fundamental physical constants as well as the current definitions of the SI units and guidelines on handling experimental uncertainties. General University of Manchester Blackboard has a discussion board and other material for the course. Wikipedia can be a useful source of background information. But the articles can often be sketchy, biased or overstuffed with technical detail.

Table of contents

Alpha Particles, Beta Particles, Gamma Rays, Positrons, Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons


5 thoughts on “Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics | SpringerLink

  1. In particle physics , an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a subatomic particle with no sub structure, thus not composed of other particles.

  2. This content was uploaded by our users and we assume good faith they have the permission to share this book.

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