Information structure and sentence form pdf

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information structure and sentence form pdf

Information Structure - Oxford Handbooks

Dooley, Notes on Linguistcs. Why do languages have so many different ways of expressing the same idea? Professor Lambrecht addresses this question through an investigation of the 'information structure' of sentences. His analysis is based on the observation that the structure of a sentence reflects a speaker's assumptions about the hearer's state of knowledge and consciousness at the time of the utterance. Four independent but inter-related categories are analysed: presupposition and assertion, identifiability and activation, topic, and focus. Would you like to tell us about a lower price?
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Published 23.12.2018

The 4 English Sentence Types – simple, compound, complex, compound-complex

Language form varies as a result of the information being communicated.

Information Structure in Indigenous Languages of the Americas

Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique. A journal of linguistics, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics. Two visual-world eye-tracking experiments were designed to investigate the resolution of ambiguous German pronouns, the personal pronoun er and the d-pronoun der in spoken discourse. Specifically, the influence of the order of mention and the information status of the antecedent candidates on the resolution preferences following canonical and non-canonical antecedent structures was explored. The results suggest that the two pronominal forms have different coreference functions when they follow canonical topic-comment antecedent structures, in that personal pronouns prefer first-mentioned topical antecedents and d-pronouns second-mentioned non-topical antecedents.

This chapter examines the role of information structure in constructionist approaches. It evaluates the central notions of information structure and how these factors can be incorporated into a Construction Grammar view of mental grammar. The chapter explains that information structure is an important element of sentence grammar because it influences by which construction a particular meaning is expressed and why speakers therefore choose one construction over alternative ones in specific situations. Keywords: information structure , constructionist approaches , Construction Grammar , mental grammar , sentence grammar , meaning. He has published on Finnish historical syntax, cognitive dimensions of the Construction Grammar framework, diachrony and variation in Construction Grammar, nonfinite constructions, word order, analytical causatives, and the syntax of spoken language, Finnish dialect syntax in particular.

Information Structure and Sentence Form. Topic, Focus, and the Mental Representations of Discourse . Frontmatter. pp i-viii. Access. PDF; Export citation.
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Jaakko Leino

The book inserts itself in this contemporary interest by providing a collection of articles on different aspects of the syntax-pragmatics interface in the indigenous languages of The Americas. The first chapter provides a brief introduction of the some of the basic descriptive issues addressed in them, and of some of the theoretical tools that have been developed to analyze them. The readerfinds articles that focus mostly on empirical issues, while others are mostly oriented to theoretical issues. Diverse theoretical approaches are addressed, including Minimalism, Optimality-theoretic syntax, and Meaning-Text Theory. The volume includes articles on the following topics: the grammatical means to encode pragmatic notions in Tariana A.


1 thoughts on “Information Structure: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Processing Approaches

  1. Book reviews /Journal of Pragmatics 26 () London-Lund corpus, and that in the informative categories of the LOB corpus the frequency of .

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