Islam and social work pdf

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islam and social work pdf


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Published 23.12.2018

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PDF | This article examines aspects of knowledge that are important to social work practice with Muslim clients: Islamic theology, prayers and.

Social Work in Islam

Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address. Social work is a profession which creates that system or environment helpful in enhancing and elevating the capacities of people living in a society. And the theory of this profession actually comes from the field in terms of working with individuals, groups, communities and families. And this is the reason that keeps this profession updated from the social problems prevalent and emerging in a society. Social Work is a word carried by trained professionals with the aim of alleviating the issues of those people in a community suffering from special deprivation.

Quite apart from its unique subject matter, Islam and Social Work is unusual for the range of content covered, at least for such a short and readable book, and for the array of genres employed.
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In This Article

Zakat or obligatory charity is a foundation of Muslim social services. Social services with Muslims date back more than 1, years to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. His biography reflects his involvement in the care of the poor, widows, and orphans and engagement in social justice for women and minorities. Muslim communities throughout the United States are providing social services for Muslims; however, an institutionalized network of professional social services sensitive to the needs of Muslims is in the developmental stage. Keywords: Muslim , social services , Islamic social services , spiritual competence.

2 thoughts on “Muslim Social Services - Encyclopedia of Social Work

  1. PDF | For social workers in the Muslim world, authentization of social work implied the integration of Islamic religious knowledge with current.

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