Camel diseases and treatment pdf

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camel diseases and treatment pdf

Camelpox - Wikipedia

Regret for the inconvenience: we are taking measures to prevent fraudulent form submissions by extractors and page crawlers. Received: June 14, Published: July 24, DOI: Download PDF. Mastitis in camels has been reported from almost all camel rearing countries. Besides causing the loss in milk production, it has hazardous effects on human beings and suckling calves. Many infective agents have been implicated as causes of mastitis in camels, however, bacterial infections are considered the primary cause of mastitis in camel.
File Name: camel diseases and treatment
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Published 21.12.2018


Food is a double-edged sword of health. On the one hand, cow milk could lead to the occurence of asthma. On the other hand, camel milk could be used to treat asthma via its effects of immunoregulation, antiinflammation and antioxygenation.

Ecology & Environmental Sciences

Camelpox is a disease of camels caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae , subfamily Chordopoxvirinae , and the genus Orthopoxvirus. It causes skin lesions and a generalized infection. The viral genetic material is contained in double stranded linear DNA consisting of , tightly packed base pairs. Two lateral bodies are found outside the viral core, and are believed to hold the enzymes required for viral reproduction. The Camelpox virus most often affects members of family Camelidae. However, recent studies show that the disease can be transmitted to both humans and arthropods. The Camelpox virus is spread in three ways: direct contact, indirect contact, and insect vectors.

Trypanosoma evansi is the cause of trypanosomiasis Surra which multiplies in the blood and body fluids of camel. Based on author knowledge, outbreak of trypanosomiasis has not been reported in Iran yet. Camels in Southern Fars province of Iran, suffering from mortalities and abortions, were examined clinically. Blood samples were prepared from affected camels. Haematologic indices were measured.

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5 thoughts on “A Field Manual of Camel Diseases

  1. tions under which camels are bred, and their principal diseases. The replies demonstrate a can be dealt with by therapy and chemoprophylaxis. Pox is also .

  2. KEYWORDS: Camel diseases - Camel pox virus - Contagious ecthyma - . treatment is required, as in the case of localised necrobacteriosis. (In fact, before.

  3. A Field Manual of Camel Diseases: Traditional and modern health care for the dromedary For each disease, the authors give the disease signs, its causes, and simple prevention and treatment methods. Abstract | PDF ( KB).

  4. PDF | On Jan 1, , Zafar Iqbal Chaudhary and others published Camel and Its preservation To find out the best treatment plan for ectoparasitic infestation.

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