Hip hop revolution the culture and politics of rap pdf

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hip hop revolution the culture and politics of rap pdf

HathiTrust Digital Library, Limited view search only. Please choose whether or not you want other users to be able to see on your profile that this library is a favorite of yours. Finding libraries that hold this item Easily one of the most substantial and thoughtful works on the cultural politics of hip-hop. Ogbar successfully balances an insider's love of the culture with a scholar's critical eye. Is hip-hop ripping society apart? Ogbar shows that these questions - among the many more that rap music raises - are much more complicated than they first seem.
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Published 20.12.2018

Why Hip Hop is World Culture - Ian Lawrence - TEDxMauerPark

Hip-hop revolution : the culture and politics of rap

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Hip-Hop Revolution explores the current cultural and political landscape of hip-hop by providing a broad based historical context for the art. Beginning with the emergence of popular culture in the United States and the minstrel show in the antebellum era, I work through the emergence of jazz, rock and roll, blaxploitation movies in the s, to the development of hip-hop in the mids New York City. The point is to explore the durability of race as a touchtone for popular entertainment—particularly music. By doing this, I establish an essential framework for understanding certain deeply racialized tropes in hip-hop. Though this book gives some cursory overview of the history of popular culture and race, it is, at its core, an examination of hip-hop with a special emphasis on its last 15 years. I explore the meaning and implications of rap music in particular. From Congressional hearings, controversial artists, to a cultural juggernaut, with incisive, bold, and daring social and political commentary, rap music is full of diverse expressions and experiences.

Get this from a library! Hip-hop revolution: the culture and politics of rap. [Jeffrey Ogbonna Green Ogbar] -- In this groundbreaking book, Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar.
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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Series: CultureAmerica. Add to Cart. In the world of hip-hop, "keeping it real" has always been a primary goal—and realness takes on special meaning as rappers mold their images for street cred and increasingly measure authenticity by ghetto-centric notions of "Who's badder? This book is full of engaging readings, informed contextualization, and fresh ideas.

Lawrence: UP of Kansas, Central to every argument in this five-chapter book is the insistence that hip-hop is not monolithic in its artistic manifestations, meanings, intentions, or means of consumption. Indeed, the work engages with theoretical political concepts such as hegemony and institutionalized racism without being incomprehensible to a reader unversed in highly academic theoretical jargon. Ogbar contextualizes the debate by providing a history of the minstrel figure in American popular culture, relying particularly on the work of W. Lhamon and Patricia Hill Collins. The remainder of the chapter examines the proliferating echoes of minstrel images in s hip-hop, as evidenced by the defining characteristics of greed, violence, hypersexuality and pathos in gangsta rap a genre further defined in chapter two.

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  2. Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. PDF; Split View for political mobilization; and the music's effects on young listeners.

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