The serpent and the rainbow book

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the serpent and the rainbow book

The Serpent and the Rainbow (book) - Wikipedia

Too bad they made this wonderful book into a horror flick. The book is about a Harvard trained ethnobotanist who goes to Haiti to learn about some of the naturally occuring compounds used in the Fascinating account of Davis' journey to Haiti in search of the science behind the mystery and rumours surrounding zombification. Davis is an ethnobotanist with impeccable credentials, and he throws Wade Davis received his doctorate in ethnobotany from Harvard University. Author of six books, including One River , he divides his time between Washington, D. The Serpent and the Rainbow.
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Published 18.12.2018

The Serpent and The Rainbow - Wade Davis BOOK REVIEW

The Serpent and the Rainbow

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He investigated Haitian Vodou and the process of making zombies. He studied ethnobotanical poisons, discovering their use in a reported case of a contemporary zombie, Clairvius Narcisse. The book presents the case of Clairvius Narcisse , a man who had been a zombie for two years, as showing that the zombification process was more likely the result of a complex interaction of tetrodotoxin , a powerful hallucinogenic plant called Datura , and cultural forces and beliefs.

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1 thoughts on “THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW by Wade Davis | Kirkus Reviews

  1. In April , ethnobotanist Wade Davis arrived in Haiti to investigate two documented cases of zombis -- people who had reappeared in Haitian society years after they had been officially declared dead and had been buried.

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