I have read your book and much like it

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i have read your book and much like it

How to Make Sure Your Book Gets Read

There are more than , books published each year in the US alone. How is a potential reader supposed to know that yours is actually good? How are they supposed to know that you and your book are worth their time and money? There are several ways to signal that your book is serious and professional. The book cover , book title , and book description are three we have covered. Once you have those locked in, a way to add credibility to your book is through the use of blurbs. What if?
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Published 17.12.2018

Soley - Read Your Book

3 ways to generate 25+ reviews for your book on Amazon

Sign Up. My Account. Privacy Settings. Please enable Javascript This site requires Javascript to function properly, please enable it. I have read your book and much like it. Moses Hadas.

When you hop onto Amazon and see a book or any product with a lot of reviews, how do you think they got there? Most people assume that the book is popular — if a lot of people are reading it and enjoying it, they must be leaving reviews.
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What Purpose Do Blurbs Serve?

I see authors spend years writing, finish the manuscript, and then spend virtually no time on the rest of the book. They essentially check out of the title, book cover, book description, etc., Recently, I finished a manuscript of a new book for entrepreneurs coming soon.

One of the most common problems we see from authors are unrealistic expectations about what a book will get them. So many authors have fantasies in their head surrounding their book, and those fantasies lead them to make bad decisions about their book. The first fantasy authors usually have is about book sales. Some authors truly think that their book will sell millions of copies. The facts are clear: very, very few books sell a lot of copies.

Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Quotes tagged as "reading-books" Showing of The man who never reads lives only one. Martin, A Dance with Dragons.

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