Two books to compare and contrast

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two books to compare and contrast

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Published 17.12.2018

Comparison / Contrast Essays

How to Compare Two Novels in Comparative Essay

At some point in your literature studies, probably just about the time you get really good at finding the theme of a novel and coming up with a sound analysis of a single literary piece, you will be required to compare two novels. Your first task in this assignment will be to develop a good profile of both novels. You can do this by making a few simple lists of traits that might be comparable. For each novel, identify a list of characters and their roles in the story or important characteristics, and any important struggles, time periods, or major symbols like an element of nature. You may also attempt to come up with book themes that could be comparable.

Compare Contrast Book Covers Worksheet

Using Compare Contrast Book Covers Worksheet, students compare two books using information from the book cover to determine how they are alike and different. - Compare-contrast essays require students to analyze texts and draw conclusions based on similarities and differences between elements within the texts.

Research shows student achievement increases when children compare and contrast using comparative thinking. Compare is to find similarities. Contrast is to find differences. Believe it or not, kids will usually need to be reminded of these terms every year. Notice the plot, characters, illustrations, and cultural references. Try these to start:.

3 thoughts on “How to Compare Two Novels in Comparative Essay

  1. What Kinds of Stories Can We Compare and Contrast? . Do an author study by reading two or more books by the same writer. Compare and contrast specific.

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