A great and terrible beauty book series

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a great and terrible beauty book series

A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle #1) by Libba Bray

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Published 16.12.2018

Book Review - A Great and Terrible Beauty

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A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle Trilogy #1)

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It is told from the perspective of Gemma Doyle , a girl in the year Gemma leaves her home in India to go to a boarding school in England after her mother dies. Once there, she is plagued by clairvoyant visions as she looks into the magical secrets of the school with her three friends Felicity Worthington , Pippa Cross , and Ann Bradshaw. Gemma Doyle, the series' protagonist, is forced to leave India after the death of her mother to attend a private boarding school in London. On her sixteenth birthday, Gemma and her mother stroll through the Bombay market when they encounter a man and his younger brother.

It is told from the perspective of Gemma Doyle , a girl in the late s. Gemma leaves her home in India after her mother dies for a boarding school in England. Once there, she is plagued by clairvoyant visions as she looks into the magical secrets of the school with her three friends Felicity Worthington , Pippa Cross and Ann Bradshaw. Gemma Doyle, the series' protagonist, is determined to leave India and return to London for an education and a proper upbringing. On her sixteenth birthday, Gemma and her mother are walking through the Bombay market when the two encounter a man and his younger brother. But Gemma is still tormented with her visions and is warned by the young man from the market, Kartik , a member of an ancient group of men known as the Rakshana , dating all the way back to Charlemagne,that she must close her mind to these visions or something horrible will happen. During one of her visions Gemma is led into the caves that border the school grounds.

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