Smart materials and structures book

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smart materials and structures book

Smart Materials - CRC Press Book

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the embryonic field of smart materials and structures, and also presents a state-of-the-art review of the sub-disciplines of the field. It informs readers of the technical challenges to the commercialisation of products incorporating these material technologies. This most timely text is devoted to the newly emerging field of smart materials The authors have provided an excellent bibliography to serve the reader as a valuable start. This well written text offers the technologist a new and stimulating approach to materials. Convert currency. Add to Basket.
File Name: smart materials and structures
Size: 17105 Kb
Published 16.12.2018


ISBN 13: 9780412370106

Why use smart materials? Since most smart materials do not add mass, engineers can endow structures with built-in responses to a myriad of contingencies. In their various forms, these materials can adapt to their environments by changing characteristics and can provide information about structural and environmental changes. A single source on numerous aspects of intelligent materials Smart Materials focuses on many types of novel materials, including ceramics, hybrid composites, shape memory alloys, chitosan-based gels, adhesives, oxides, polymers, flip-chip technology, magnetorheological fluids, electrorheological materials, nanotubes, and sensors. It highlights the interdisciplinary nature of these materials by showing how they can be used in scores of areas, such as drug delivery systems, health monitoring, fiber optics, nanoscale engineering, vibration control, and molecular imprinting.

Smart materials and structures. Bookreviews Smart materials and structures page M. Gandhi In particular, there is no mention of the use of optical fibres in combination with Download PDF. Recommend Documents.

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Smart Materials and Structures : New Research. Peter L.

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It seems that you're in Germany. We have a dedicated site for Germany. Authors: Gandhi , M. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the embryonic field of smart materials and structures, and also presents a state-of-the-art review of the sub-disciplines of the field. It informs readers of the technical challenges to the commercialisation of products incorporating these material technologies. This most timely text is devoted to the newly emerging field of smart materials

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1 thoughts on “Smart Materials - Google книги

  1. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the embryonic field of smart materials and structures, and also presents a state-of-the-art review of the.

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