The fed and lehman brothers book

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the fed and lehman brothers book

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Ball re-examines the evidence of the choices facing the managers of the financial crisis. In particular he looks at a crucial choice — to let the storied Wall Street firm Lehman Brothers fail in bankruptcy rather than offer taxpayer support for a bailout. His conclusion: the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, and New York Fed made a grave unforced error in allowing Lehman Brothers to declare a messy bankruptcy — still the largest US corporate bankruptcy of all time — in the process adding destructive force to the financial tsunami already enveloping the economy and financial markets in September And they disingenuously described the reasons for their decision. One of the conditions of Fed lending is that it cannot lend money to insolvent institutions, or banks with insufficient collateral to pledge for a new loan.
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Published 16.12.2018

Financial Meltdown Documentary - Could it all happen again?

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Book Review: The Fed And Lehman Brothers by Laurence Ball

The bankruptcy of the investment bank Lehman Brothers was the pivotal event of the financial crisis and the Great Recession that followed. Ever since the bankruptcy, there has been heated debate about why the Federal Reserve did not rescue Lehman in the same way it rescued other financial institutions, such as Bear Stearns and AIG. The Fed's leaders from that time, especially former Chairman Ben Bernanke, have strongly asserted that they lacked the legal authority to save Lehman because it did not have adequate collateral for the loan it needed to survive. Based on a meticulous four-year study of the Lehman case, The Fed and Lehman Brothers debunks the official narrative of the crisis. It shows that in reality, the Fed could have rescued Lehman but officials chose not to because of political pressures and because they underestimated the damage that the bankruptcy would do to the economy. The compelling story of the Lehman collapse will interest anyone who cares about what caused the financial crisis, whether the leaders of the Federal Reserve have given accurate accounts of their actions, and how the Fed can prevent future financial disasters.

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