Nutrition and sports performance book

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nutrition and sports performance book

Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance - 2nd Edition

There are several factors in your diet that greatly affect your performance, including but not limited to:. Nutrition is such an important factor when it comes to athletic performance. So, the best thing that you can do when it comes to fueling yourself as an athlete is to educate yourself on what exactly proper nutrition is all about. The average daily calorie expenditure for men ranges between 2,, calories while the average for a women ranges from 2,, calories. To put things in perspective, athletes need to consume the amount of calories they burn on top of these calorie amounts just to maintain their body mass.
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Published 16.12.2018

What to eat / take for better sports performance

The Complete Guide to Food for Sports Performance

How to recover properly with food? How to eat during a trip abroad or during a training course in altitude? What to do to preserve your bone health? How to conciliate the ramadan and the training? How to lose weight cleverly?

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The definitive exercise and sport nutrition book for athletes, strength and conditioning specialists, athletic trainers, exercise physiologists and researchers interested in optimizing training adaptations and performance. We all have a desire to look and feel good. Many of us also want to perform to the best of our ability whether it is in the weight room, in sports, or at work. Research has shown that exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate recovery are important factors that affect health and human performance. Although it would seem that educating the public about proper exercise and nutrition would be rather straight forward, there is a great deal of conflicting and confusing information available regarding exercise and nutrition. The purpose of this book is to provide an evidence-based overview of the essentials of sports nutrition for students and practitioners. This book has been translated into Spanish by Mayra A.

2nd Edition

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A substantially revised and updated edition of the highly respected guide to using nutrition as an integrated part of an athlete's total performance enhancing package. Dr Louise Burke has thirty years of experience as a sports dietitian, including the last twenty years as the Head of Department of Sports Nutrition at the Australian Institute of Sport. Her activities include clinical counselling, nutrition education, and preparation of education resources. She has written a number of textbooks and lay books on sports nutrition, as well as numerous peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. Louise has seen the benefits of a winning diet from many angles. Her own sporting career includes seven international Ironman triathlon events.

With a foreword from five-time Olympian Jo Pavey, the book provides evidence-based nutrition advice on fuelling before, during and after running, guidance on hydration and supplements and how to prepare for 5k, 10k, half marathons, marathons and ultra races. The way we eat is changing. More and more of us are opting to eat fewer animal products or to cut them out entirely. Eating well to support a training regimen presents its own challenges, but as celebrated nutritionist Anita Bean shows, it is possible to eat delicious, healthy food and reach your athletic potential. The Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition is the definitive practical handbook for anyone wanting a performance advantage.

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3 thoughts on “Nutrition and Performance in Sport - INSEP-Éditions

  1. Nutrition and Athletic Performance: A Handbook for Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts eBook: Douglas N Unlike print books, digital books are subject to VAT.

  2. Sports Nutrition: Enhancing Athletic Performance: Bill Campbell: Books.

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