Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban book characters

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harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban book characters

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Wikipedia

Rowling and the third in the Harry Potter series. The book sold 68, copies in just three days after its release in the United Kingdom and since has sold over three million in the country. Video games loosely based on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban were also released for several platforms, and most obtained favourable reviews. Harry is back at the Dursleys' for the summer holidays, where he sees on Muggle television that a convict named Sirius Black has escaped, though with no mention of what facility he has broken out of. Harry involuntarily inflates Aunt Marge when she comes to visit after she insults Harry and his parents. This leads to his running away and being picked up by the Knight Bus. He travels to the Leaky Cauldron where he meets Cornelius Fudge , the Minister for Magic , who asks Harry to stay in Diagon Alley for the remaining three weeks before the start of the school year at Hogwarts.
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Published 15.12.2018


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Character List

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. Harry Potter is the protagonist and the main character of the novel. This brave and young boy always fights with evil. In the third book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , he continues to find truth about death of his parents and his desire for justice is increasing. Harry is also a devoted friend, who protects his best friends Ron and Hermione from evil. Harry is a striking example of kindness, frankness and courage for both children and adults.

All rights reserved. Click the character infographic to download. Aside from doing homework and playing s House: Gryffindor, 3rd YearThis is really Hermione's novel in lots of ways, and it's fitting that first three books focus heavily on Harry's three clos House: Gryffindor, 3rd YearRon is in this novel a fair amount. During the shunning of Hermione, we pretty much just get scenes with him and Harry. He's young, he's cool, he's actu

Meet the Cast

Read an in-depth analysis of Harry Potter. Read an in-depth analysis of Ron Weasley. Read an in-depth analysis of Hermione Granger.


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