Publish and be damned book

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publish and be damned book

Publish and Be Damned by Hugh Cudlipp - AbeBooks

This came to mind when, at last year's Frankfurt Book Fair, I read an article in the Bookseller by an agent who suggested that, in the digital age, writers would no longer need publishers. They would simply post their work online with various retailers and offer their books as downloads or through print on demand. For this they would receive full value for their work, minus a rather surprising, I thought 20 per cent commission to the agent. He didn't go into what the agent might do to earn 20 per cent, but he was very clear that publishers were unlikely to add value to this process. So I am prompted to ask again: are publishers any use? What reasons do they have to exist?
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Published 15.12.2018

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Publish or be damned

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I have stopped the Press for the moment, but as the publication will take place next week, little delay can necessarily take place. The letter, signed by one Joseph Stockdale, a pornographer and scandal-monger, was a naked attempt at blackmail. The Duke was a field marshal, cabinet minister, national hero, husband and father, while Harriette Wilson was a famous London courtesan past her prime, then living in exile in Paris. Wellington was being asked to pay money to be left out of her memoirs. His response is famous: 'Publish and be damned]' And they did.

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Publish And Be Damned was an annual independent publishing fair that was held in — in London , United Kingdom., Seller Rating:. About this Item: Paperback.

The author became a journalist by an unexpected twist after she took a secretarial post at the Sunday Tribune's Johannesburg bureau. She proved herself a useless secretary but her boss, the legendary Viv Prince, sent her out on stories instead of firing her. Her first job was to interview British fashion guru, Mary Quant, and ask if it was true she had her pubic hair shaved into a heart shape. Horrified at the prospect, she still passed her first journalistic test by asking that question. Quant answered in the affirmative! Her short stint on the Sunday Tribune was followed by two-and-half years under The Citizen's very difficult Johnny Johnson.

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