Go down together bonnie and clyde book

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go down together bonnie and clyde book

Go Down Together | Book by Jeff Guinn | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

All those who read Guinn's account of Bonnie and Clyde were impressed by the unprecedented level of detail he brings to the story. But a few seemed to think that all of Guinn's data got in the way of the chase. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel admitted that the level of detail posed the book's "only problem," while acknowledging that "the legend still stands under its own power. Reviewers were particularly interested in the idea of the duo as heroes of the Great Depression, with obvious anxiety that that era might not seem so distant these days. Yes, reviewers are prone to provide enthusiastic reviews for a newspaper's books editor; yet Go Down Together is still a strong book. This is an excerpt from a review published in Bookmarks magazine.
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Published 15.12.2018

Bonnie & Clyde: Part 1 (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

Losers from first to last

P erhaps it's recession chic or simply that time in the cultural cycle when a reassessment is due, but the tales of American gangsters from the Great Depression seem to be enjoying something of a mini-revival. Around the same time, The Story of Bonnie and Clyde, a biopic starring Hilary Duff, begins shooting on location in the southern states. And, 75 years after they were gunned down, Jeff Guinn has produced what claims to be the definitive biography of the infamous couple from Texas. Barrow was little more than a car thief whose crimes escalated more out of ineptitude than intention, while Parker was a dreamer with no real ambition other than a fatal desire to flee the drab limitations of her life. Together with Barrow's brother and assorted hangers-on, they killed as many as 10 people, nearly all as a result of botched robberies or resisting arrest.

Bestselling author Jeff Guinn combines exhaustive research with surprising, newly discovered material to tell the real tale of two kids from a filthy Dallas slum who fell in love and then willingly traded their lives for a brief interlude of excitement and, more important, fame. Go Down Together has it all—true romance, rebellion against authority, bullets flying, cars crashing, and, in the end, a dramatic death at the hands of a celebrity lawman. This is the real story of Bonnie and Clyde and their troubled times, delivered with cinematic sweep by a masterful storyteller. Guinn lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Especially good at. A welcome corrective.

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Bonnie and Clyde Go Down Together

Americans have a long tradition of celebrating our antiheroes, from Jesse James to John Gotti. About the only thing they did well was shoot people, which Clyde and his partners attempted often, murdering at least 10 men. Finally tracked down and killed themselves on May 23, , Bonnie and Clyde remained all but forgotten, relegated to pulp magazines and a B movie or two, for 30 years. When Americans express an interest in Bonnie and Clyde now, I wager, their curiosity lies less with the grimy, smelly, murderous Bonnie and Clyde of history than with the glamorous, dashing Bonnie and Clyde portrayed by Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty — polite, persecuted mannequins whose only fault could be solved, the film suggests, with a dose of Cialis. Whatever its precise focus, the public fascination with Bonnie and Clyde appears boundless. Just count the books. Before the movie, there had been precisely one substantial biography.

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